Testing - live627/SMF2.1 GitHub Wiki

Testing is very simple.

If you don't have Git setup and don't want to, just click the "ZIP" button on the homepage.

To test upgrading, copy the "upgrade*" files (eg upgrade.php, upgrade_1-0.sql, upgrade_2-1_mysql.sql, upgrade_2-1_sqlite.sql, etc.) in the directory where index.php is at.

To test installing, copy the "install*" files (eg install.php, install_2-1_mysql.sql, etc.) in the directory where index.php is at.

Then use it. Use every aspect of it. Use it in unimaginable ways. The post the issues with a good description of how you arrived at the bug and what the bug is.

You know what's even better than testing bugs? Providing fixes for them! So, if you have a bug fix, we are always open to applying them.