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SRS Overview

SRS is industrial-strength live streaming cluster, for the best conceptual integrity and the simplest implementation. SRS provides variety of inputs, for example, Push RTMP to SRS , Push RTSP/UDP/FLV to SRS , Pull Stream to SRS . SRS can transform the RTMP to other protocols or deliveries, for example, RTMP Transcode , Forward to Other Servers , Remux to HTTP-FLV , Remux to HLS , Remux to HDS , DVR to FLV . SRS canbe used in CDN for large stream clusters, for example, RTMP Cluster , VHOST , Reload , HTTP-FLV Cluster . Futhermore, SRS provides apis, for example, HTTP Callback , Security , HTTP API , RTMP Bandwidth Test .


Get SRS from the downloads page of the project website. If you'd like to build SRS from scratch, visit Build SRS .

SRS runs on Linuxs, for instace, Centos and Ubuntu, and x86, x86-64, ARM and MIPS is ok. MacOS only supports code edit and build. SRS does not support other Unix-like system, neither windows. SRS build on the coroutine library state-threads, which simplify the complex protocol imlementations.

SRS is easy to run on a machine, or multiple machines, to run the cluster. SRS is single process, not multiple processes model; you can use go-sharp for HTTP-FLV multiple processes, and srs-dolphin for RTMP.

Where to Go from Here

User Guides:

  • Quick Start: A quick introduction of SRS, please start here.
  • Why SRS: Why you should choose SRS? What's the roadmap?
  • GIT Mirrors: The GIT mirrors of SRS to get SRS faster.
  • Main Features: The features list of SRS. Some features is introduced from specified version; while some features are experiment.
  • Releases: The released versions of SRS.
  • Docs: The detail tech docs of SRS.

Deployment Guides:*

Cluster Guides:

  • RTMP Cluster: Deploy the RTMP cluster for CDN.
  • FLV Cluster: Deploy the HTTP-FLV cluser for CDN.
  • VHOST: Support multiple customers in the same cluster by vhost.
  • Reload: Apply changed config by reload.
  • Tracable Log: Debug and trace user in cluster log.

Integration Guides:


  • Compare: The comparation of SRS to other servers.
  • Performance: The performance benchmark.

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