v1_EN_LowLatency - liufeihong/simple-rtmp-server GitHub Wiki
Low Latency Live Stream
The RTMP and HLS can cover all requires for internet live stream, read DeliveryHLS, while RTMP is designed for low latency live stream.
The deploy for low latency, read Usage: Realtime
Use Scenario
The low latency use scenario:
- Live show.
- Video meeting.
- Other, for example, monitor, education.
RTMP is design for low latency:
- Adobe flash player is good at play RTMP stream.
- RTMP is stable enough for longtime publish and play on PC.
- Low latency, about 0.8-3s.
- For RTMP is base on TCP, the latency maybe very large for network issue.
We use the clock of mobile phone to test the latency, read RTMP latency benchmark
When netowork is ok:
- RTMP can ensure 0.8-3s latency.
- The RTMP cluster add 0.3s latency for each level.
- The latency of nginx-rtmp is larger than SRS, maybe the cache or multiple process issue.
- The gop cache always make the latency larger, but SRS can disable the gop cache.
- The bufferTime of flash client should set to small, see NetStream.bufferTime.
The gop is the gop between two I frame.
SRS use gop-cache to cache the last gop for the live stream, when client play stream, SRS can send the last gop to client to enable the client to start play immediately.
Config of srs:
# the listen ports, split by space.
listen 1935;
vhost __defaultVhost__ {
# whether cache the last gop.
# if on, cache the last gop and dispatch to client,
# to enable fast startup for client, client play immediately.
# if off, send the latest media data to client,
# client need to wait for the next Iframe to decode and show the video.
# set to off if requires min delay;
# set to on if requires client fast startup.
# default: on
gop_cache on;
Read about the min.delay.com in conf/full.conf
Low Latency config
Recoment to use the bellow config for low latency application:
# the listen ports, split by space.
listen 1935;
vhost __defaultVhost__ {
# whether cache the last gop.
# if on, cache the last gop and dispatch to client,
# to enable fast startup for client, client play immediately.
# if off, send the latest media data to client,
# client need to wait for the next Iframe to decode and show the video.
# set to off if requires min delay;
# set to on if requires client fast startup.
# default: on
gop_cache off;
# the max live queue length in seconds.
# if the messages in the queue exceed the max length,
# drop the old whole gop.
# default: 30
queue_length 10;
SRS: 0.9.55
Encoder: FMLE, video(h264, profile=baseline, level=3.1, keyframe-frequency=5seconds), fps=15, input=640x480, output(500kbps, 640x480), no audio output.
Network: Publish to aliyun qindao server.
SRS config:
listen 1935;
vhost __defaultVhost__ {
enabled on;
gop_cache off;
hls {
enabled on;
hls_path ./objs/nginx/html;
hls_fragment 5;
hls_window 20;
Latency: RTMP 2s, HLS 24s.
Edge benchmark
SRS RTMP cluster almost not add more latency.
Winlin 2014.11