v1_EN_Heartbeat - liufeihong/simple-rtmp-server GitHub Wiki


On the ARM device, SRS can report the status to control center.


To enable heartbeat, build with http-parser, with any of below:

  • --with-http-api Provides HTTP api for client to manage SRS.
  • --with-http-server Embeded HTTP server.
  • --with-http-callback HTTP callback.


Config the heartbeat in global section:

# heartbeat to api server
# @remark, the ip report to server, is retrieve from system stat,
#       which need the config item stats.network_device_index.
heartbeat {
    # whether heartbeat is enalbed.
    # default: off
    enabled         on;
    # the interval seconds for heartbeat,
    # recommend 0.3,0.6,0.9,1.2,1.5,1.8,2.1,2.4,2.7,3,...,6,9,12,....
    # default: 9.9
    interval        9.3;
    # when startup, srs will heartbeat to this api.
    # @remark: must be a restful http api url, where SRS will POST with following data:
    #   {
    #       "device_id": "my-srs-device",
    #       "ip": ""
    #   }
    # default:
    url   ;
    # the id of devide.
    device_id       "my-srs-device";
    # whether report with summaries
    # if true, put /api/v1/summaries to the request data:
    #   {
    #       "summaries": summaries object.
    #   }
    # @remark: optional config.
    # default: off
    summaries       off;
# system statistics section.
# the main cycle will retrieve the system stat,
# for example, the cpu/mem/network/disk-io data,
# the http api, for instance, /api/v1/summaries will show these data.
# @remark the heartbeat depends on the network_device_index,
#       for example, the eth0 maybe the device which index is 0.
stats {
    # the index of device ip.
    # we may retrieve more than one network device.
    # default: 0
    network         0;
    # the device name to stat the disk iops.
    # ignore the device of /proc/diskstats if not configed.
    disk            sda sdb xvda xvdb;

Note: Default is off.

Note: User must config the index of eths in stats to get the right ip.

Winlin 2014.11