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Traefik can be configured to use Azure Service Fabric as a provider.
See this repository for an example deployment package and further documentation.
# Azure Service Fabric Provider
# Enable Azure Service Fabric Provider
# Azure Service Fabric Management Endpoint
# Required
clusterManagementUrl = "https://localhost:19080"
# Azure Service Fabric Management Endpoint API Version
# Required
# Default: "3.0"
apiVersion = "3.0"
# Azure Service Fabric Polling Interval (in seconds)
# Required
# Default: 10
refreshSeconds = 10
# Enable TLS connection.
# Optional
# [serviceFabric.tls]
# ca = "/etc/ssl/ca.crt"
# cert = "/etc/ssl/servicefabric.crt"
# key = "/etc/ssl/servicefabric.key"
# insecureSkipVerify = true
The provider uses labels to configure how services are exposed through Traefik. These can be set using Extensions and the Property Manager API
Set labels with extensions through the services ServiceManifest.xml
Here is an example of an extension setting Traefik labels:
<StatelessServiceType ServiceTypeName="WebServiceType">
<Extension Name="Traefik">
<Labels xmlns="">
<Label Key="traefik.frontend.rule.example2">PathPrefixStrip: /a/path/to/strip</Label>
<Label Key="traefik.enable">true</Label>
<Label Key="traefik.frontend.passHostHeader">true</Label>
Set Labels with the property manager API to overwrite and add labels, while your service is running. Here is an example of adding a frontend rule using the property manager API.
curl -X PUT \
'http://localhost:19080/Names/GettingStartedApplication2/WebService/$/GetProperty?api-version=6.0&IncludeValues=true' \
-d '{
"PropertyName": "traefik.frontend.rule.default",
"Value": {
"Kind": "String",
"Data": "PathPrefixStrip: /a/path/to/strip"
"CustomTypeId": "LabelType"
!!! note This functionality will be released in a future version of the sfctl tool.
Labels, set through extensions or the property manager, can be used on services to override default behavior.
Label | Description |
traefik.enable=false |
Disable this container in Traefik |
traefik.backend.circuitbreaker.expression=EXPR |
Create a circuit breaker to be used against the backend |
traefik.servicefabric.groupname |
Group all services with the same name into a single backend in Traefik |
traefik.servicefabric.groupweight |
Set the weighting of the current services nodes in the backend group |
traefik.servicefabric.enablelabeloverrides |
Toggle whether labels can be overridden using the Service Fabric Property Manager API |
traefik.backend.healthcheck.path=/health |
Enable health check for the backend, hitting the container at path . |
traefik.backend.healthcheck.port=8080 |
Allow to use a different port for the health check. |
traefik.backend.healthcheck.interval=1s |
Define the health check interval. | |
Define the health check hostname. |
traefik.backend.healthcheck.headers=EXPR |
Define the health check request headers Format: HEADER:value||HEADER2:value2
traefik.backend.loadbalancer.method=drr |
Override the default wrr load balancer algorithm |
traefik.backend.loadbalancer.stickiness=true |
Enable backend sticky sessions |
traefik.backend.loadbalancer.stickiness.cookieName=NAME |
Manually set the cookie name for sticky sessions |
traefik.backend.loadbalancer.sticky=true |
Enable backend sticky sessions (DEPRECATED) |
traefik.backend.maxconn.amount=10 |
Set a maximum number of connections to the backend. Must be used in conjunction with the below label to take effect. |
traefik.backend.maxconn.extractorfunc=client.ip |
Set the function to be used against the request to determine what to limit maximum connections to the backend by. Must be used in conjunction with the above label to take effect. |
traefik.backend.weight=10 |
Assign this weight to the container |
traefik.frontend.auth.basic=EXPR |
Sets basic authentication for that frontend in CSV format: User:Hash,User:Hash
traefik.frontend.entryPoints=http,https |
Assign this frontend to entry points http and https .Overrides defaultEntryPoints
traefik.frontend.passHostHeader=true |
Forward client Host header to the backend. |
traefik.frontend.passTLSCert=true |
Forward TLS Client certificates to the backend. |
traefik.frontend.priority=10 |
Override default frontend priority |
traefik.frontend.redirect.entryPoint=https |
Enables Redirect to another entryPoint for that frontend (e.g. HTTPS) |
traefik.frontend.redirect.regex=^http://localhost/(.*) |
Redirect to another URL for that frontend. Must be set with traefik.frontend.redirect.replacement . |
traefik.frontend.redirect.replacement=http://mydomain/$1 |
Redirect to another URL for that frontend. Must be set with traefik.frontend.redirect.regex . |
traefik.frontend.redirect.permanent=true |
Return 301 instead of 302. |
traefik.frontend.rule=EXPR |
Override the default frontend rule. Defaults to SF address. |
traefik.frontend.whiteList.sourceRange=RANGE |
List of IP-Ranges which are allowed to access. An unset or empty list allows all Source-IPs to access. If one of the Net-Specifications are invalid, the whole list is invalid and allows all Source-IPs to access. |
traefik.frontend.whiteList.useXForwardedFor=true |
Use X-Forwarded-For header as valid source of IP for the white list. |
Label | Description |
traefik.frontend.headers.customRequestHeaders=EXPR |
Provides the container with custom request headers that will be appended to each request forwarded to the container. Format: HEADER:value||HEADER2:value2
traefik.frontend.headers.customResponseHeaders=EXPR |
Appends the headers to each response returned by the container, before forwarding the response to the client. Format: HEADER:value||HEADER2:value2
Label | Description |
traefik.frontend.headers.allowedHosts=EXPR |
Provides a list of allowed hosts that requests will be processed. Format: Host1,Host2
traefik.frontend.headers.hostsProxyHeaders=EXPR |
Provides a list of headers that the proxied hostname may be stored. Format: HEADER1,HEADER2
traefik.frontend.headers.SSLRedirect=true |
Forces the frontend to redirect to SSL if a non-SSL request is sent. |
traefik.frontend.headers.SSLTemporaryRedirect=true |
Forces the frontend to redirect to SSL if a non-SSL request is sent, but by sending a 302 instead of a 301. |
traefik.frontend.headers.SSLHost=HOST |
This setting configures the hostname that redirects will be based on. Default is "", which is the same host as the request. |
traefik.frontend.headers.SSLProxyHeaders=EXPR |
Header combinations that would signify a proper SSL Request (Such as X-Forwarded-For:https ).Format: HEADER:value||HEADER2:value2
traefik.frontend.headers.STSSeconds=315360000 |
Sets the max-age of the STS header. |
traefik.frontend.headers.STSIncludeSubdomains=true |
Adds the IncludeSubdomains section of the STS header. |
traefik.frontend.headers.STSPreload=true |
Adds the preload flag to the STS header. |
traefik.frontend.headers.forceSTSHeader=false |
Adds the STS header to non-SSL requests. |
traefik.frontend.headers.frameDeny=false |
Adds the X-Frame-Options header with the value of DENY . |
traefik.frontend.headers.customFrameOptionsValue=VALUE |
Overrides the X-Frame-Options header with the custom value. |
traefik.frontend.headers.contentTypeNosniff=true |
Adds the X-Content-Type-Options header with the value nosniff . |
traefik.frontend.headers.browserXSSFilter=true |
Adds the X-XSS-Protection header with the value 1; mode=block . |
traefik.frontend.headers.customBrowserXSSValue=VALUE |
Set custom value for X-XSS-Protection header. This overrides the BrowserXssFilter option. |
traefik.frontend.headers.contentSecurityPolicy=VALUE |
Adds CSP Header with the custom value. |
traefik.frontend.headers.publicKey=VALUE |
Adds HPKP header. |
traefik.frontend.headers.referrerPolicy=VALUE |
Adds referrer policy header. |
traefik.frontend.headers.isDevelopment=false |
This will cause the AllowedHosts , SSLRedirect , and STSSeconds /STSIncludeSubdomains options to be ignored during development.When deploying to production, be sure to set this to false. |