Home - littleneutrino/jqdev GitHub Wiki
The colors are good. The content I can add myself for the most part. If you need filler, my patreon about me or my channel panels on twitch work.
So, I want a front page with my cast info. My video and chat if I'm live, if not, that box with offline works too. That same page can have the small Twitter feed, small instagram feed - just the last 3 posts or so.
A separate page with a section to support me. 4 different boxes with the rewards available - on patreon too. On each box, a link to gamewisp, patreon, and "one time tip" to my http://PayPal.me/JessyQuil
A separate page for photo gallery, separated by event-year (PAX south 2015) etc.
Then a page for help for different issues, like how to deal with anxiety or suicide hotline. In an accordion format - click on what you want to see and it expands.
Finally, a blog/content post update area to put essays and updates via text!