Auto Moderation - literallyEllie/Steve GitHub Wiki

This is about how the bot moderates automatically

The bot analyzes every single message sent through 5 different checks. These checks do not apply to:

  • Those the bot cannot interact with (unless in debug mode)
  • Bots
  • Itself (maybe covered above :p)

The message will be passed through every check, if a message check decides the message violates then it will not check anymore. The checks are:

  • Spam Check - The frontline for preventing spam attacks on the server. The alogrithm is ommited from the open source code as it has been targeted before
  • Message History - Ensuring no duplicate messages from the same users and kicking them if a threshold is reached.
  • Tag checking - Ensuring only a reasonable amount of tags are included in a message
  • Advert checks - Ensuring any link posted is whitelisted
  • Dumb Responder (not really a check) - Responding to commonly asked questions, such as the daemon thing, prompting more information with unhelpful messages and promotional messages. It is dumb because it is limited in its capabilites.