Using GerritKit - lissy-lau/GerritKit GitHub Wiki

GUI Mode

Configure Gerrit Server

Add Gerrit Server Manually

From main menu: Configuration->Servers...

For SSH server, authentication type is set to None

For REST server, following authentication types are available and HTTP password in gerrit server settings is used:

  • HTTP Basic: Qt, WikiMedia
  • HTTP Digest: OpenDev
  • HTTP Cookie: Google servers such as Gerrit and Chromium

Click "Test Server" to test connection to gerrit server and obtain configurations such as server version and labels automatically

Import Server Configurations

From main menu: Configuration->Import from...

Here is one sample configuration: Sample/Sample_Config.xml

Customize Gerrit Query

Add New Gerrit query

From main menu: Query->New Query...

Click "Configure" button in the query tab

Open Existing Query

From main menu: Query->Open Query...

Here is one sample query: Sample/Sample_Query.xml

Console Mode

Command-Line Usage

usage: [-h] [--console] [--ssh | --rest] [--debug | --quiet]
                    [--owner <USER>] [--status <STATUS>] [--project <PROJECT>]
                    [--branch <BRANCH>] [--query <QUERY>] [--server <SERVER>]
                    [--server-port <PORT>] [--username <USERNAME>]
                    [--password <PASSWORD>] [--columns <COL1,COL2,...>]
                    [--output <FILE>]
optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --console             run in console mode
  --ssh                 using SSH APIs (default)
  --rest                using REST APIs
  --debug               verbose debug output
  --quiet               be quiet
  --owner <USER>        gerrit owned by <USER>
  --status <STATUS>     <STATUS> = open | reviewed | closed | merged |
  --project <PROJECT>   gerrit in <PROJECT>
  --branch <BRANCH>     gerrit in <BRANCH>
  --query <QUERY>       user-defined <QUERY>
  --server <SERVER>     gerrit server
  --server-port <PORT>  gerrit server port
  --username <USERNAME>
                        login username
  --password <PASSWORD>
                        login password
  --columns <COL1,COL2,...>
                        query columns
  --output <FILE>       save to <FILE>

Sample Command --console --server="" --user="lissy" --password="" --status="open" --branch="dev" --output="test.csv"
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️