Setting up the scaleway VPS for the workshop - liskcenterutrecht/ GitHub Wiki

V1 - still needs documentation

V2 - still needs documentation

V3 - 20191117 changes to the V2 image

== lisk bike workshop VPS image #3 changes

fixed wrong pm2 startup rights with (source

[fixes error message asking for
sudo chown lisk:lisk /home/lisk/.pm2/rpc.sock /home/lisk/.pm2/pub.sock after boot
pm2 unstartup pm2 startup

COPY/PASTE the line shown by pm2 startup

fixed version mismatch between pm2 in memory and on disk

npm install -g pm2

install meteor so that the app can be run local

curl | sh
cd lisk-bike/app
git pull
meteor npm install
npm start

setup meteor app for use

  • start app
  • set mapbox id in system settings
  • set lisk provider url to
  • create new system wallet
  • create new user wallet

install ratom for editing in atom via ssh

curl -o /usr/local/bin/rmate
sudo curl -o /usr/local/bin/rmate
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/rmate
sudo mv /usr/local/bin/rmate /usr/local/bin/ratom

change password for VPS image (prevent prev candidates from messing with new VPS-es)

== 20200302 - getting the server on-line again

problem 1: disk full

can't start postgresql because the disk is 100% full
df -h -> /dev/vda1 -> 100%

deleted lisk log files
pm2 stop blockchain sudo su
rm /home/lisk/logs/devnet/*.log
exit pm start blockchain

postgre sql should now start again

problem 2: certificate expired

pm2 stop blockchain
sudo certbot --nginx -d
pm2 start blockchain
sudo certbot renew --dry-run

-> test

reset blockchain to zero state


setup log rotation for lisk ->