Concox BL 10 Lock Info - liskcenterutrecht/ GitHub Wiki

SMS commands

No. Function Command Reply e.g. Explanation
1 Check firmware version VERSION# [VERSION]GB100_10_A1D_D23_R0_V09
2 Check parameters PARAM# IMEI:868120181212595; TIMER:7200; SENSOR:10,5,60,20;TimeZone:E,8,0;
3 Query device network setting GPRSSET# GPRS:ON; Currently use APN:cmmtm,,; Server:1,,21105,0; URL:;
4 Check status STATUS# Battery:3.72V,NORMAL; GPRS:Link Up GSM Signal Level:Strong; GPS:OFF; LOCK:ON; BT MAC:B4A8280577A9;
5 Check URL URL# <03-14 14:04>,E113.916420
6 Set APN APN, [apnname]# Close automatic APN and set by yourself.
APN# Currently use APN:cmmtm,, / APN Auto Set:ON Check the current APN parameters.
7 Set automatic APN ASETAPN, [X]# X=ON/OFF; / ON: open automatic APN; / OFF: close automatic APN.
7 Check automatic APN status ASETAPN#
8 Set server parameters (url) SERVER,1,domain name,port,0# The third parameters:0 TCP(default),1 UDP
8 Set server parameters (ip) SERVER,0,IP,port,0# The third parameters:0 TCP(default),1 UDP
9 Reboot RESET# The device would reboot in 20S after receiving the command.
10 Set Heartbeat interval HBT,T# T=1~300 minutes,heartbeat packet upload interval,default:3 minutes
10 Get Heartbeat interval HBT# Query current set T parameters.
11 Set GPS data sending interval GTIMER,T# T=3~300 minutes,GPS data upload interval,default:120 minutes
11 Get GPS data sending interval GTIMER# Query current set T parameters.
12 Immediate locating LJDW#
13 Activate GPS (default) GPSON# GPS turned on and works for 5 minutes;
13 Activate GPS (set duration) GPSON,T# T=5-300,unit: minute, GPS turned on and works for T minutes, default: 5 minutes
13 Deactivate GPS GPSOFF# Turn off GPS
14 Unlock UNLOCK# note:sms command cannot unlock
15 Turn on vibration alarm SENALM,ON#
16 Turn off vibration alarm SENALM,OFF#
17 Set the low battery alarm BATALM,A,M# A=ON/OFF, default:ON; / M=0, way of alarming, 0: GPRS, default:0;
18 Turn off low battery alarm BATALM,OFF#
19 Get low battery alarm parameters BATALM# Check the preset parameters of alarm.
20 Set Find bike by sound parameters SDFIND,M,A,B,C# M=ON/OFF: turn o/off the function / A: ring time during car search, Default: 3s, range: 1-300s / B: ring time interval, Default: 15s,range: 1-300s / C: ring times, default: 5 times, range: 1-20
21 Get find bike by sound parameters SDFIND#
22 Turn on abnormal alarm YCALM,ON,M# ON=Turn on alarm; M=way of alarming, M=0 GPRS; / Default: ON, alarming way:0
23 Turn off abnormal alarm YCALM,OFF#
24 Check position status WHERE# Current position!Lat:N22.577156,Lon:E113.916779,Course:190.05,Speed:0.65Km/h,DateTime:2018-08-08 13:52:43 / or / Error!Only SOS phone numbers are allowed to query
25 Do Wifi search WIFION[,T]# Singly turn on WIFI and search. When search finished, WIFI is turned off and hotspot will uploaded to platform. T can be omitted. Default value used if no T. / / T=1-60s, default: 10s, T means the hotspot scanning time after WIFI turned on
26 Make reservation RESERVE[, A]# A =1-60, unit: minute, T means reserve time. Terminal use LED as indicators. Default: 15 minutes.
27 Set emergency numbers SOS,A,,,<number3)# OK! / SOS1:xxxx / SOS2:xxxx / SOS3:xxxx
28 Get emergency numbers SOS#
29 Reset emergency numbers
30 Set GPRS on/off GPRSON,A# A=1->on/A=0->OFF
31 Get GPRS on status GPRSON# GPRSON:1(1=ON,0=OFF)
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