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Welcome to the Jock.Net.TcpJson wiki!

Before Start

Your need known about TcpListener and TcpClient, Two Main class TcpJsonServer and TcpJsonClient is all about it.

Quick Start

  • Planing what object your need transmission by TcpJson, This means the Server and Client Need know the Object Type in any loaded assembly. So if your Server and Client is not in one project, your need create a project just for shard all Type in transmission.
  • TcpJsonServer and TcpJsonClient all use inner thread, MUST can Start() after config done. If TcpJsonClient is created by TcpJsonServer, will auto start after Connected event.

Client Base Code Block

// Create a new TcpJsonClient ready connect to a remote port.
var client = new TcpJsonClient(new System.Net.IPEndPoint(new IPAddress(new byte[] { 127, 0, 0, 1 }), 8013));

// Use all `OnReceive` methods receive remote data
// In This start, we no need receive anything from server

// Start client
// Send a string object
client.SendObject("Hello world", ()=>{
   // Send Done, just Stop client

Server Base Code Block

Start Server

// Create a new TcpJsonServer ready Listener a local Tcp port
var server = new TcpJsonServer(new System.Net.IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 8013));
// Add Connected event handler so you can get a TcpJsonClient for new connecting client
server.Connected += Server_Connected;
// Start server, this will start listener and core loop


// In Connected Event Handler, get TcpJsonClient by `e.ServerClient`
// Use all `OnReceive` methods receive remote data
// This demo is use simple string type object data, but your can try more
      // str is the string remote sended
      // c is the TcpJsonClient instance you can call and `Send` method send data back
      Console.WriteLine($"Client say:{str}");
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