About deobfuscation on block break - lishid/Orebfuscator GitHub Wiki

  1. When UpdateRadius = 2 - this is forcing to update 25 blocks per 1 block break when digging down

  2. When UpdateRadius = 3 - this is forcing to update 60 blocks per 1 block break when digging down

  3. When UpdateRadius = 4 - this is forcing to update 125 blocks per 1 block break when digging down. This is actually forcing MC to do chunk update (if there are at least 64 block updates - MC is doing chunk update)


  1. Any value for UpdateRadius higher than 3 will usually do the same - force MC to update chunk. Therefore it makes no sense to set UpdateRadius to value higher than 4. But we should not forget that there are could be different situations like part of block updates will go to one chunk and another to another chunks (in this case chunk maybe not forced to resend) and like there are could be a lot of transparent blocks and therefore number of update blocks could be much less.

  2. When UpdateRadius <= 3 then for the case with one player-miner it will not force chunk to resend, but will do block updates.