Plugin Overview - liri-project/liri-browser GitHub Wiki


With Liri Browser version v0.4 there is initial Plugin support. Currently it is limited to Omniplets. Omniplets are smart extensions for the browser Omnibox (the address bar container). They basically handle the suggestions you shown when you type a search in the address bar. E.g. when you type weather Paris the Weather Omniplet will provide a card showing some weather information.

Plugin Structure

Plugins are stored in the plugins folder. Each directory there represents a plugin. Each directory currently consists only of two files. The manifest.json which holds plugin meta data and a main.js file which is the plugin main script.

Plugin Manifest

As an example, here is the manifest of the plugin omniplet-history.

    "name": "omniplet-history",
    "title": "History Omniplet",
    "description": "Omniplet that provides browser history specific search suggestions",
    "version": "0.1", 
    "maintainer": "Tim Süberkrüb <[email protected]>",
    "api": "0.1",
    "features": [
  • name: The name of the plugin which should match the directory name
  • title: The plugin's title
  • description: The plugin described in one sentence
  • version: The plugin's version. Should be a valid version number in format x.x.
  • maintainer: The plugin's maintainer in format Name <[email protected]>
  • api: The target api version. Currently this must be 0.1
  • features: A list of features the plugin claims access too. Features are granted individually for each plugin in config/liri-conf.json


Currently there is only one script file supported which must be named main.js. This JavaScript code is called on application start and loaded in an isolated QJSEngine in order to keep things secure. You will only have access to the features you set in manifest.json and that where granted in the configuration file.

Note: In future releases granting access and managing plugins will be handled through a graphical interface. Please also have a look at our Plugin Roadmap.


  • v0.1: Initial JavaScript API that comes with Liri Browser v0.4. Supports basic Omniplet functionality.

API Documentation