Version 9 Migration - lipemat/js-boilerplate GitHub Wiki
Migration From Version 8 to Version 9
The primary focus of Version 9 was to remove included support for enzyme in favor of allowing applications to choose their own testing structure.
Enabling Enzyme in existing packages.
If you are not using Enzyme in your Jest tests, you may skip this section.
The following packages must be included in your local package.json
- @wojtekmaj/enzyme-adapter-react-17": ^0.6.7,
- enzyme: ^3.11.0,
- enzyme-to-json: ^3.5.0,
- react-test-renderer: ^17.0.2,
React transition group is no longer included
If you are using React transition group you may include your own version of react-transition-group
in your package.json
For reference the internal package was react-transition-group: ^4.4.1
Internal packages with major version updates (unlikely to conflict).
- If any are specified in your local
they must be updated to match. - If you are using configuration overrides you'll want to check the migration docs for the applicable package.
- babel-jest: ^29,
- jest": ^29,
- jest-cli: ^29,
- fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin: ^7,