Linx Sample conventions - linx-software/samples GitHub Wiki
General principles
- Keep it simple. If you don't need it now...lose it.
- Don't repeat yourself.
- Follow the conventions, but not at the expense of 1 and 2.
- Treat these principles as rules. You may intentionally break them for a good reason.
- Names should be meaningful and descriptive.
- Names should be in PascalCase e.g. FirstName.
- Avoid abbreviations except for the ultra common ones e.g. XML is ok, NFT is not.
Type | Rule | Example |
Column names | Singular and PascalCase | FirstName |
Table names | Plural and PascalCase | Customers |
Primary keys | Singular and PascalCase | Id |
Foreign keys | [Singular of Table]Id | CustomerId |
Put database scripts under a database
folder at the root of the repo.
└── setup-script.sql
The repo must include a readme.
The repo structure must be clear and descriptive e.g.
├── Solution.lsoz
| ├─ setup-script.sql
| └─ ...
| ├─ screenshot.jpg
| └─ ...
| ├─ js
| ├─ html
| └─ ...
├─ customers-source.csv
|─ customers-target.csv
└─ ...
The readme should generally follow the format below.
- Project name
- Description. A short and clear description of why the project exists and what it does.
- Installation
- Usage
- Contributing. Explain how people can contribute to the project.
- License
Do not include a Table of Contents as Github automatically generates it.
See the readme template for a good starting point.