Undefined Template Variables - linuxsoftware/ls.joyous GitHub Wiki

Some of Joyous’s templates, rely upon the silence of the template system when a nonexistent variable is encountered. This generates debug messages when the logging level for django.template is set to DEBUG. However Joyous is working correctly and these are not errors. The same situation also applies with some Wagtail and Django-Admin templates.


Since v1.1.0 Joyous will provide defaults for otherwise undefined template variables.

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Template variables which are sometimes undefined

  • listLink, weeklyLink and monthlyLink in joyous/includes/events_view_choices.html
  • event.extra_information and event.cancellation_details in joyous/includes/event_item.html

Example message

Exception while resolving variable 'listLink' in template 'joyous/calendar_month.html'.