Request Mapping - linusnorton/xFrame GitHub Wiki

The Basics

 * @Request("index")
public function run() {
    $this->view->var = $this->request->variable;

The request /index is mapped to the run method. All parameters in the POST or GET will be set in $this->request.

Setting a variable in $this->view makes it available to the view.

If no view is specified the framework assumes there is a corresponding file in the view folder. In this instance that file would be view/index.html.

Request URI Parameter Mapping

 * @Request("index")
 * @Parameter(name="param1")
 * @Parameter(name="param2", validator="\xframe\validator\RegEx('/u[0-9]{3}[a-z]/i')", required=false, default='u000A')
public function run() {
    echo $this->request->param1;
    echo $this->request->param2;

Using the @Parameter annotation will map parameters in the request URI to the $this->request object. For example, with the URI /index/value1/u123Z the above code would output "value1" and "u123Z".

As seen in the above example, there are several validation settings you can include for a parameter.

  1. Providing a Validator class will validate the provided parameter against a set of rules defined in the provided validators validate method.
  2. Required is defaulted to true. If a parameter is options it must be defined at the end of a parameter list (think optional parameters in PHP function calls).
  3. Default provides a default value to a parameter if a value is not provided.

Setting the View Template

 * @Request("index")
 * @Template("default")
public function run() {

You can override the default view template using the @Template annotation. In the example above instead of looking for view/index.html the framework will use view/default.html.


 * @Request("index")
 * @CacheLength("3600")
public function run() {

If the CACHE_ENABLED option is set to true and @CacheLength has been set the framework will store the result of the request in memcached and return it for subsequent requests.


 * @Request("index")
 * @Prefilter("xframe\request\prefilter\ForceHTTPS")
public function run() {


If the @Prefilter annotation is present and the value is object that implements the Prefilter interface the framework will call the run() method of the object before the request is processed.

Custom Parameters

 * @Request("index")
 * @Prefilter("xframe\authentication\AuthenticationPrefilter")
 * @CustomParam(name="level", value="Administrator")
 * @CustomParam(name="userType", value="Customer")
public function run() {
    $this->request->level; // === "Administrator"

You can define hard coded parameters using @CustomParam

Overriding the Default View Type

 * @Request("index")
 * @View("xframe\view\PHPTAL")
public function run() {

The DEFAULT_VIEW option set in the ini file can be overriden using the @View annotation.