Dependency Injection Container - linusnorton/xFrame GitHub Wiki
Using the Dependency Injection Container
The Dependency Injection Container provides the ability to store lazy loaded objects. By default it stores the registry, database handle (PDO), Memcache instance and Doctrine Entity Manager (if you have Doctrine installed).
Obtaining the Registry
* @Request("index")
public function run() {
By default the Registry contains all the values stored in the configuration file (ini).
Obtaining PDO
* @Request("index")
public function run() {
$results = $this->dic->database->query("SELECT * FROM `table`");
PDO is added to the dependency injection container when the System->boot()
method is called. The connection is not established until the database object is accessed for the first time.
Obtaining Memcache
* @Request("index")
public function run() {
$results = $this->dic->cache->get("key");
is true the dependency injection container will contain an instance of Memcache
Setting a value in the Dependency Injection Container
To set a value in the dependency injection container you can provide the object through and annoymous inner function, so they object is load on use:
* @Request("index")
public function run() {
$this->dic->object = function($dic) {
// you can use the DIC to construct your object
$setting = $dic->get("SETTING");
return new Object($setting);
Or you can just set the value for instant loading:
* @Request("index")
public function run() {
$setting = $dic->get("SETTING");
$this->dic->object = new Object($setting);