Translations - linusbobcat/create-elementary-os-installer GitHub Wiki
Create elementary OS Installer supports localization and will try to use the system language when available. Otherwise it will fallback to English.
Translations are done via Transifex. Start translating here. You do not require OS X in order to contribute! Do read the translation notes.
Transifex is for translating, not for requesting languages and figuring that other people will magically translate it. It's fine to request languages as long as you help translate it. If you don't translate the language you request, chances are, no one will. If you're unable to commit to translating, don't request your language.
Translation Notes
Please read these notes carefully before translating.
App Names
Only these app names need to be translated:
- "Create elementary OS Installer"
- "Restore USB Drive"
- "Disk Utility", however be sure to use the actual name of it from (Mac) OS X. Use Google to find out what it is if you don't have access to OS X. Some languages may not have this name translated.
Make sure "elementary OS" is lowercase and don't translate it. Leave everything else as is.
About Quotation marks and Guillemets (« »)
Change quotation marks into guillemets when needed.
There are a few translation strings that literally only contain a quotation mark. If your language needs guillemets instead, do replace them.
Translating Buttons
Applescript apparently doesn't like having multi-worded buttons in translations. Try to make everything into one string.
Use the proper ellipse symbol, "…" instead of three dots or periods.
Seriously, do not translate this. Just leave it the way it is. Linus will translate this himself.
This is the default name that "Restore USB Drive" will use for the resulting USB drives. If the text ends up using Unicode characters, do not translate it. This is unfortunately a technical limitation.
Testing Translations
Testing translations without creating or restoring elementary OS USBs' is easy as long as you have OS X. Just open any of the apps in Applescript, comment out the whole script, add the contents of language-tester.scpt
, and run the script. Do note that you can't edit any translations while Applescript Editor/Script Editor is open as it won't pick up any of the changes made.
Last of all, please make sure your spelling and grammar are in good order.
Translators can be viewed on Transifex, these folks have submitted translations prior to the move to Transifex. Many of these overlap.
Thanks to Adolfo Jayme-Barrientos for Catalan, Spanish, and Mexican Spanish translations.
Thanks to Jung-Kyu Park for Korean translations.
Thanks to Leonardo Lemos for Portugese and Brazillian Portugese translations.
Thanks to Влад Мерк for Russian translations.
Thanks to Pascal Müller for German translations.
Thanks to Gildev for French translations.