Dependency Management Features - linkedin/linkedin-gradle-plugin-for-apache-hadoop GitHub Wiki

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Dependency Management Features

The Hadoop Plugin comes with features that enable your company's Hadoop development and operations teams to block dependencies that could be harmful to the cluster or to disable poor dependency management practices.

Dependency Management Tasks
checkDependencies Task

(Since version 0.6.9 - Contributed by Anant Nag) This task disallows dependencies known to be harmful or potentially dangerous. The task checks for project dependencies matching known Ivy coordinates and issues a message with the specified warning level if it finds any that match.

disallowLocalDependencies Task

(Since version 0.7.8 - Contributed by Jonathan Hung) This task checks your project for local dependencies and issues a warning if it finds any. At LinkedIn, the task fails.

At LinkedIn, we had the problem that certain teams began to check large numbers of local dependencies directly into source control, instead of pulling them automatically from an artifact store. The local dependencies were often SNAPSHOT versions containing modifications that were not stored anywhere in source control. This poor dependency management practice began to grow out of control - this task was introduced to help correct the problem.