Deploying DocuSign Connect in IIS - lingkio/docusign-connect GitHub Wiki

  1. Open the project in visual studio, there is Docusign_Connect.csproj csproj file which you can click to open it directly
  2. One's opened you need to download nuget package which is there in csproj file
  3. Before running the application you need to create/generate metadata.xml and config.yaml file (all the instructions of how to generate is given in readme file
  4. Now you can build and run the application locally or deploy it on IIS
  5. For deploying into IIS you need to create a release, you can do that easly from visual studio or from cli. You can also find the instructions in this link
  6. You need to copy the created/generated xml and yaml file in the same release folder
  7. Publish this directly into IIS or you can manually configure that, note the IP and port after configuring eg. localhost:8080
  8. You are now able to browse the application with the above url