Getting start - lines-of-codes/MCPPM GitHub Wiki

Getting start

  1. The first step, Is to download the program.

To get the lasted release, Go here.

  1. In the second step, Extract the zip file.

  2. Next, The third step. Open MCPPM_xxxx_Compiled.exe

XXXX is the version number. Example: As of writing the current version is the file name is MCPPM_1001_Compiled.exe

So if you're downloading this in the future the version number may change.

  1. Last step, But not least. Follow the instruction.

Start using it

4.1 Type 1 to create a new project.

4.2 Type all information required.

4.2.1 Specify Plugin Location

Just copy & paste or type the directory you want to store a project file.

4.2.2 Minecraft Version

Type the Minecraft version you want to make a data pack for. Like 1.16.3

Important: Does NOT support the snapshot version.

4.2.3 Plugin description

Type the description of your data pack.

4.2.4 Namespace

Type your namespace here. The namespace should not include spaces and special characters.

  1. Confirm Information

In this step, It will show all information you typed. Check before continue.

Type confirm to continue creating the project. cancel to cancel and back to welcome screen.

  1. Complete!