OAuth provider configuration - linea-it/dri GitHub Wiki


  1. Use the link (https://console.developers.google.com) to create a new project
  2. Under “Credentials” create a new Client ID. You will want a Web application Client ID. Provide your domain name or test domain name in “Authorized JavaScript origins”. Get the client_ID and Client secret.
  3. The app credentials are configured for your Django installation via the admin interface. Create a new socialapp through /admin/socialaccount/socialapp/. Fill in the form as follows:
    • Provider, “Google”
    • Name, your pick, suggest “Google”
    • Client id, is called “Client ID” by Google
    • Secret key, is called “Client secret” by Google
    • Key, is not needed, leave blank.
  4. Fill callback Authorized redirect URIs


  1. Open https://developers.facebook.com/
  2. Use the add product to add login facebook
  3. Get AppId and Secret Key
  4. Fill the Authorized redirect URIs
  5. he app credentials are configured for your Django installation via the admin interface. Create a new socialapp through /admin/socialaccount/socialapp/. Fill in the form as follows:
    • Provider, Facebook
    • Name, your pick, suggest “Facebook”.