Naming convention - linea-it/dri GitHub Wiki
The Class (table) names must be in CamelCase and must use singular names.
The variable case are in C++ standard lowercase_separated_by_underscores. All Class's attributes (= table's column names) must have a prefix of three characters. This prefix is composed by the first letter of Class (table) name followed by the following first 2 consonants. If there is no sufficient consonant, the first vocal letter is taken starting from the 2nd character of the name. If a Class (table) name is a composed of more words, as CamelCase, each capital letter is used on the prefix, followed by the consonants of the last word. E.g. ccs_camel_case_prefix is a good Class (table) attribute for the model named CamelCase. As an exception to the rule, if the last word doesn't contain a consonant as the second letter, the vowel should be used.