How to use (Version 2.X) - lin-ycv/MultilingualGH GitHub Wiki


MultilingualGH is accessed using the menu bar at the top of the Grasshopper window, click the version number to toggle the plugin on/off. Starting 2.0.3, MultilingualGH is now under Display option for a cleaner look; and toggling is done by clicking MultilingualGH Some options will appear/disappear dynamically depending on your settings.

UI Language

If there are JSON files starting with UILang_ in the folder Documents\GHLanguage (Mac users: ~/GHLanguage), you'll see options in the drop down menu. Simply click on the language you prefer to change the language of the MGH UI. UI file download tutorial here.

Display Method

There are two methods of annotation, Bubble and Text:

  • Bubble Annotation (left)
    • is persistent, will save and load with the document
    • is a grasshopper group, therefore annotations can be edited if needed
  • Text Annotation (right)
    • will NOT save and load with the document
    • is a rendering override, cannot be edited, only visible

Text Size

Input a number to adjust the size of the text *This option will appear only if Text Annotation method is selected

Refresh Annotations

Manually refresh all annotations if needed *This option will appear only if Bubble Annotation method is selected

Save As Default

Saves the current settings as the default Settings are saved in MultilingualGH.xml, you can find this file under File->Special Folders->Settings Folder Your settings can be shared by sharing this file, you can also revert to default settings by deleting this file.

Reload Files

Loads changes (add, delete, modify) to the files stored in Documents\GHLanguage (Mac users: ~/GHLanguage).

Name Display Type

There are 4 options for the English annotation

  • Full Name
    • will always annotate using the full name of the component
  • Nickname
    • will always annotate using the nickname of the component
  • Custom Name
    • will ONLY annotate if there is a custom name set for the component
  • Custom w/ Full Name
    • will annotate with custom name if there is one, else full name will be used
  • Custom w/ Nickname
    • will annotate with custom name if there is one, else nickname will be used

Default Exclusions

By default, the following list of components are excluded from annotations:

  • MultilingualGH
  • Scribble
  • Panel
  • Value List
  • Button
  • Boolean Toggle
  • Number Slider
  • Sketch (always excluded regardless of settings)

Custom Exclusions

If you wish to include additional exclusions, input exact English full name of those components into the Define Exclusions dialog and close the dialog to save them Each exclusion is one line in the input *If there are components that share the same full name, but you only want to exclude one of them (ie: Circle), you can specify which one by adding the category right after the name (ex: CircleParams)

Show English Below

Will show the English name in addition to the translation. Can be affected by Name Display Type settings. *You'll only see this option if the Annotation Language is NOT English

Annotation Language

If there are JSON files that doesn't start with UILang_ in the folder Documents\GHLanguage (Mac users: ~/GHLanguage), you'll see options in the drop down menu. Simply click on the language you prefer to change the annotation language. Language file download tutorial here.


Create the GHLanguage folder then launch both this Wiki and the folder. *You'll only see this option if there are no JSON files in the folder Documents\GHLanguage (Mac users: ~/GHLanguage)

Plugin Specific Translations

If there are JSON files in the folder Documents\GHLanguage\Extras (Mac users: ~/GHLanguage/Extras), you'll see additional options in the menu. Simply toggle all the ones needed. Language file download tutorial here. *These translations will ONLY take effect if the translation language is not set to English