How to use (Version 1.X) - lin-ycv/MultilingualGH GitHub Wiki

For Older Version (1.X)


There are two ways to access MultilingualGH, using a component or the menu at the top of grasshopper window:

  • The component is in the drop down menu of Params/Util (keyword search: MGH)
    • Right click on the component to configure the settings
    • Once configured, double click the component to enable/disable it
    • Component settings are persistent, and will be the same the next time you open the document
  • The menu is at the top of the grasshopper window
    • The menu options are basically the same as the component right click menu.
    • Menu settings are instance based, the next time you open the document, menu settings will default
    • Menu is disabled when component is in use
    • If you want current settings as the default MGH settings for the future, click Save As Default

*Any setting changes while MGH is not enabled will be queued for when it's enabled again *If you don't see MultilingualGH in the menu and the MGH component is red, chances are you have a non-translation/incorrectly-formatted file in the Documents\GHLanguage or Documents\GHLanguage\Extrasfolder

Annotation Methods

There are two methods of annotation, Bubble and Text:

  • Bubble label
    • is persistent, will save and load with the document
    • is a grasshopper group, therefore annotations can be edited if needed
  • Text label
    • is instance based, will NOT save and load with the document
    • is a rendering override, cannot be edited, only visible

Text Size

When Text Label method is select, you can input a number into the text size field to adjust the size of the text This field will not appear in the component menu if Text Label method is not selected

Default Exclusions

By default, the following list of components are excluded from annotations:

  • Multilingual GH
  • Scribble
  • Panel
  • Value List
  • Button
  • Boolean Toggle
  • Number Slider
  • Sketch (always excluded regardless of settings)

Custom Exclusions

If you wish to include additional exclusions:

  • Component: input the exact English full name of those components as a list into X input
  • Menu: input exact English full name of those components into the Define Exclusions dialog and press OK to save them

each exclusion is one line in the input *If there are components that share the same full name, but you only want to exclude one of them (ie: Circle), you can specify which one by adding the category right after the name (ex: CircleParams)

Keep Annotation

By default, when you disable MGH, the annotations are cleared. If you wish to disable MGH but keep the previously annotated annotations, enabled this option. *Due to how Text Label methods works, Keep Annotation option is disabled when in Text Label method

Translation Languages

If translations files exists in Documents\GHLanguage folder, you should have additional language options in settings menu below all other settings When a new language is selected, annotations will change accordingly.

The section below the languages will appear if you have translations files in Documents\GHLanguage\Extras folder. These are plugin specific translations, and you can have multiple options from this section selected. These options are only available if you have selected a non-English translation.