FAQ - liloman/easyPcRecovery GitHub Wiki
Can I have backups for Windows Vista/Linux o other systems?
Of course, you just have to change in easyPcRecovery\menus\submenu.lst the lines than set the disks for whatever you want
What are F3,F2... that I see on the titles?
They are shortcuts, you can use arrow keys or just function keys (F4...)
I have installed it but I can't read anything
You have to press F4 when the system is booting to get to the hidden menu or press arrow down key.
How can I go to the former menu?
Escape key
Can I use it to boot from USB even if the BIOS doesn't allowed me to do it?
Of course, press F4, then F9 and at least F7 or using the arrow keys
Can I change/add a new ISO, change the title or change some parameter?
Absolutely!, just open the .lst one and change whatever you want and automagically then changes will be shown on the next reboot
I don't want it anymore. How can I uninstall it?
Execute UNINSTALL.cmd
How many backups can I make?
As many as you want as long as you have free space on the drive/partition backup. Each backup takes less than half of used space of the source disk cause it uses compression
I want to recover my old mbr. What should I do?
I have taken it seriously so you have at least 3 backups in place:
- %systemdrive%\easyPcRecovery\mbrbackups\mbr-pre-install.bin (with mbrfix)
- %systemdrive%\easyPcRecovery\mbrbackups\mbr-pre-install-grub.bin (with grub)
- Your second sector on your hard disk (grub)
You can restore you original MBR:
1 - If you used gparted to make the partition with my software:
You have even 2 more MBR backups:
*%systemdrive%\easyPcRecovery\mbrbackups\mbr-pre-gparted.bin (with mbrfix)
*%systemdrive%\easyPcRecovery\mbrbackups\mbr-pre-gparted-grub.bin (with grub)
You can try ONE OF THESE in this order, to get your original boot menu back:
easyPcRecovery\mbrfix\mbrfix.exe /drive 0 restorembr %systemdrive%\easyPcRecovery\mbrbackups\mbr-pre-gparted.bin
easyPcRecovery\clonezilla\grubinst.exe --restore=%systemdrive%\easyPcRecovery\mbrbackups\mbr-pre-gparted-grub.bin (hd0)
2 - If you had a previous disk/partition for backups:
easyPcRecovery\mbrfix\mbrfix.exe /drive 0 restorembr %systemdrive%\easyPcRecovery\mbrbackups\mbr-pre-install.bin
3 - Anyway, you always can use grub to restore it:
easyPcRecovery\clonezilla\grubinst.exe --restore-prevmbr (hd0)