Fuzzing testing - ligurio/openbsd-tests GitHub Wiki
- syzcaller: Fuzzing the OpenBSD Kernel (fixed bugs, open bugs), How To Setup Syzcaller With OpenBSD
- oss-fuzz (bugs found by oss-fuzz):
- Fuzzing the OpenSSH daemon using AFL
- LibreSSL:
- Fuzzing userspace with afl https://github.com/ligurio/openbsd-tests/tree/master/tests/afl-fuzz
- https://github.com/djmdjm/openssh-fuzz-cases
- Triforce OpenBSD Fuzzer is a system call fuzzer, see tech@
- regress/usr.bin/ssh/unittests/sshkey
- regress/usr.bin/ssh/unittests/test_helper
- regress/usr.bin/ssh/unittests/sshbuf
- Fixed bug found by crashme - see patch in 2.4