Server_Configurations - lighthouseitsecurity/barabbas GitHub Wiki

Server Configurations

The following configurations represent typical/commonly used server configurations.

In addition, to any of them, it is possible to further specify:

  • the listening local network interface (-i LOCAL_IFACE_IP)
    • default: listens on all local network interfaces
  • the listening TCP port (-p PORT)
    • default: 443
  • the credentials, used for client authentication (-up USERNAME:PASSWORD)
    • default: randomly generated (username; password)
  • the predefined X.509 certificate (-c X509_CERT_PATH)
    • default: randomly generated, self signed
  • the randomly generated self-signed X.509 certificate's Common Name (-cn TEMP_X509_CN)
    • default: OS hostname
  • the web root directory (-w WEB_ROOT_PATH)
    • default: current directory (from which barabbas is invoked)
  • the IP address(es) of allowed clients (-a CLIENT_IP_ADDR_1,CLIENT_IP_ADDR_2,...,CLIENT_IP_ADDR_N)
    • default: allows connection from any IP address

All commands require modifying variable values, marked with angle brackets (e.g. -p <PORT>-p 80).

HTTPS; authentication

sudo su

HTTPS; no authentication

sudo su
barabbas -da

HTTP; authentication

sudo su
barabbas -de -p <PORT>

HTTP; no authentication

sudo su
barabbas -da -de -p <PORT>

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️