Deploy maven projects - lightblueseas/linuxstuff GitHub Wiki
Here is small description how to deploy with maven and what you have to make before.
For a detail description follow this link:deploy-to-maven-central-repository
- You have a registration on sonatype
- The projects are well documented as needed for deployment
- In ubuntu gpg is already installed, if not install it afterwards.
- Generate a key pair
- Distribute your public key
For a detail description follow this link:how-to-generate-pgp-signatures-with-maven
- Set up your settings.xml
<settings xmlns=""
<localRepository />
<interactiveMode />
<usePluginRegistry />
<offline />
<pluginGroups />
<mirrors />
<proxies />
<activeProfiles />
You have to replace the placeholders of course with your credetials.
Create a maven profile in your pom.xml
<!-- This is the profile to use for releasing into the staged release
repo. We need to sign the artifacts. -->
<name>Sonatype Nexus Snapshots</name>
<name>Nexus Release Repository</name>
Before deployment it is recommended to run the javadoc goal on project like this:
mvn javadoc:javadoc
Now you can run from your mvn-project the deploy command like this:
mvn clean install deploy:deploy -P
Note: you will be prompt for the passphrase. If you run it from eclipse no passphrase is prompt.
Trouble shotting: if no gnupg-agent is running you 'll get an error:
gpg: Sorry, no terminal at all requested - can't get input
gpg: GPG-Agent ist in dieser Sitzung nicht vorhanden
Solution: you have to install the gnupg-agent:
sudo apt-get install gnupg-agent pinentry-gtk2