LoRaWAN OTAA Asset Tracker Guide - lightaprs/LightTracker-1.0 GitHub Wiki

Before uploading "lorawan-otaa-asset-tracker.ino" sketch file to your device, you should check following parameters and update if necessary.

For example if you live in US, you might want to change:

  • Tracker is Airborne? (default is false)
  • Measurement System (default is Metric)
  • LoRaWAN Region (default is for Europe - EU868) image

You should update device keys copying from Helium Console using following guides:

Also if you attach an OLED display to your module, you can display data as follows:


This sketch file is optimized for Adafruit_SSD1306 compatible 0.96 (128x64) Inch OLED Display Modules. So if you attach another Arduino compatible displays, you should install their libraries and modify the code accordingly.

Also check out the I2C pin order of the 0.96" Oled Display Modules before purchasing. Pin should be in VCC, GND, SCL and SDA order as follows. Should no start with GND.
