Adding Device on Helium Console - lightaprs/LightTracker-1.0 GitHub Wiki

In this tutorial we try to explain step by step how to add a device on Helium Console, get the keys, update the Arduino sketch file and connect the Helium Console to Cayenne MyDevices to display device data properly.

Signup and Add Device on Helium Console

1) If you don't have any Helium Console account yet, first Sign Up using url.


2) After signing up and log in, click on the "Devices" on the left side bar as follows:


3) Then click on the "Add Device" button and give a name to your device:


leave other fields as is and click on the "Save Device" button.

EUIs and App Key

After saving your device, click on the device name on device list and you should see your device details screen as follows:


Your device has two identifiers (Device EUI and App EUI) and one key (App Key). You have use these keys in your code (sketch file), so you need to copy these keys and paste them in your code. But before copy operations, some preparations needed. Let's do it :)

1) On the left hand side of EUIs, there are two style formatter buttons (hex/C-style) as follows:


Click both of them.

2) Now EUIs are in C-style (array) and two hidden "reverse order" buttons are visible as follows:


Default order is "msb", but it should be "lsb" so click both of them.

3) Last final step :) We need also App Key but is not visible and copyable. To change this, click on the "eye" button.


Then style click on the style formatter button for App Key too as follows:


4) Finally all EUIs/key are in correct style and order and ready to copy as follows:


In next section, we are going to copy these keys one by one paste them in the code.

Copy & Paste the EUIs and App Key

1) Open your sketch file and find the lines containing DEVEUI, APPEUI and APPKEY variables as follows and then paste the values copied from Helium Console as we described above.


  1. Your sketch file is now ready to compile and upload to your device.

Testing Device

IMPORTANT NOTE: To acquire a GPS fix, please run your tests outdoor. Since our module has a builtin passive GPS antenna, it's unlikely acquire a GPS fix indoor. Outdoor testing is also good for LoRaWAN communication if you don't have any hotspots or gateway at your location.

Since you have uploaded sketch file to your device, you should see "Join Request" or "Uplink" data in "Event Log" section of your device screen (scroll down to end of the page) as follows:


Your data is flowing but not user friendly, to visualise your device data, you need an integration. Please proceed to next tutorial: "Cayenne myDevices Integration with Helium Console"

NOTE: If you think you have done everything right, yet no data in your event log, please do not hesitate to contact us via [email protected]