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How to get a DOI for a Semantic Resource?

LifeWatch ERIC is a direct member of DataCite and it can provide a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) for semantic resources that do not have it, taking advantage of the EcoPortal – DataCite connection. This makes it possible to cite the semantic resources in scientific publications or elsewhere in a reliable and sustainable way. EcoPortal assigns a DOI only upon verification and validation of the semantic resource. This implies that the DOI provision can be refused if the resource does not match with its quality criteria or its domain (that is ecology).
The DOI is connected to a metadata description of the resource as well as to a digital location, such as a URL, where all the details about the resource are accessible. As already reported in detail in the EcoPortal Metadata Schema section, you can request a DOI when specifying the Identifier field of the metadata form by selecting “None” in the Type field and the checkbox “I want to request a DOI” (see the picture below).

Identifier DOI

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