How to use liferay npm bridge generator - liferay/liferay-js-toolkit GitHub Wiki
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liferay-npm-bridge-generator is a tool to generate bridge modules (npm modules that re-export another module in the same package) inside a project.
This can be used for several purposes like, for example, maintaining compatibility with older APIs when modules are moved to a different place.
npm install --save-dev liferay-npm-bridge-generator
Usually liferay-npm-bridge-generator
is called in your package.json
build script after all processing has taken place. It assumes that you are using the standard conventions to deploy to Liferay Portal (AMD modules named upon file location, npm packages bundled by liferay-npm-bundler
, and so on).
To do so, you must have something similar to this in your package.json
"scripts": {
"build": "... && liferay-npm-bridge-generator"
Where the ...
refers to any previous step you need to perform like, for example, calling liferay-npm-bundler
The output of liferay-npm-bridge-generator
are several AMD modules suitable for deploy to Liferay Portal inside an OSGi bundle.
The modules which are created don't need to be processed by liferay-npm-bundler
, they just need to be packed inside the OSGi bundle.
This tool is configured with an .npmbridgerc
file in the root of your project. The file has the following structure:
"<scope 1>": {
"input": "<relative path of input folder>",
"output": "<relative path of output folder>",
"file-globs": "<comma separated file globs>",
"dest-file-mapper": {
"from": "<regular expression>",
"to": "<replacement>"
"src-mod-name-mapper": {
"from": "<regular expression>",
"to": "<replacement>"
"dest-mod-name-mapper": {
"from": "<regular expression>",
"to": "<replacement>"
"<scope n>": {
input: the input directory to be scanned in search of source modules.
output: the output directory where bridge modules are placed.
file-globs: a comma separated list of file globs to be used as source modules.
dest-file-mapper: an object with a regexp and a replacement value to be applied to source file paths to map them to destination file paths.
src-mod-name-mapper: an object with a regexp and a replacement value to be applied to source file paths to map them to source module names.
dest-mod-name-mapper: an object with a regexp and a replacement value to be applied to destination file paths to convert them to destination module names.
In addition to the configuration file, you can pass the following arguments to the tool (from the command line):
- --verbose: when given, shows details about the execution of the tool.