Suggested Setup for Prose - lifepillar/vim-mucomplete GitHub Wiki
Set up Vim
To complete prose, such as that in text files, by dictionary completion, set
setlocal dictionary+=spell
setlocal complete+=k
Set up Mucomplete
Configure mucomplete by
let g:mucomplete#chains = {
\ 'default': ['file', 'keyn', 'omni', 'user', 'defs', 'incl', 'c-n', 'uspl'],
\ 'vim': ['file', 'keyn', 'cmd', 'omni', 'user', 'c-n', 'uspl'],
\ 'text': ['file', 'c-n', 'uspl', 'omni', 'user'],
\ }
and likewise for other prose file types, such as mail
, gitcommit
, markdown
or tex
in addition to text
To correct misspelled words on completing by mucomplete, try
let g:mucomplete#can_complete = {}
let g:mucomplete#can_complete.default = {
\ 'c-n' : { t -> t =~# '\v\k{2,}$' },
\ 'uspl': { t -> t =~# '\v\k{3,}$' && &l:spell && !empty(&l:spelllang) },
\ }
- to ensure that common words are suggested first when completing, install complete-common-words.vim
- to automatically detect
, try vim-DetectSpellLang and hook into theDetectSpellLangUpdate
event for further setup.