General member auto completion in Python, Java, ... - lifepillar/vim-mucomplete GitHub Wiki
The following setup makes <tab>/<plug>(MUcompleteFwd)
use omni completion after .
preceded by an object outside of comments and strings in python, java, ...
Analogously for all other languages that use .
to refer to a method or attribute in an object.
let g:mucomplete#can_complete = {
\ 'python': {'omni': { t -> t =~# '\m[[:keyword:])\]][.]\k*' . '$' && !IsLiteral() }, },
\ 'java': {'omni': { t -> t =~# '\m[[:keyword:])\]][.]\k*' . '$' && !IsLiteral() }, },
\ }
" similar to definition of b:match_skip in $VIMRUNTIME/ftplugin/vim.vim
let s:literal_zones = '\ccomment\|string'
function! IsLiteral() abort
let synstack_names = map(synstack(line('.'), max([col('.') - 1, 1])), 'synIDattr(v:val, ''name'')')
return match(synstack_names, s:literal_zones) >= 0