A multiplayer online persistent resources gathering/using game. With 2..n players (max to be determined)
Games can be played individually or on teams.
AI opponents?
Player characters are robots.
Story (Such as it is)
Robots from competing companies are sent down to mine an asteroid/moon/planet
Game Play
Players start on a finite randomly generated map containing resources to accumulate.
Individual players or teams start in a random location in separate parts of the map.
The game map scales to accommodate the number of players.
Players clear away sections of the map, mining it to find resources, which are worth currency, and useful in their own right which can be used to buy additional items/equipment.
Manual control of the robot character is default, and one could manually accomplish the mining but it is purposely tedious and time consuming.
The player is encouraged to program their robot to accomplish the task.
These tasks continue while you are away from the game.
The programming is limited and not raw code writing, it is a visual representation achieved through code nuggets.
Code nuggets represent concepts like, loops, if statements, actions, subjects, states.
The code nuggets are earned as the game progresses adding complexity to the game play.
Code nuggets are a finite resource, players are only a given number of them at any time.
The code nuggets are literally mined out of the ground.
While the player character is automatically mining, the game provides on screen information about it's status and place in the current running code.
Game Goals
The overall goal of the game is to accumulate resources, game items, and code nuggets.
Games are played in matches, with rules that can be set at the outset, or chosen at random
Rules may include:
Match length
Map size
Number of players
Team play
AI opponents?
Exclusion of certain items
Changing the match goal; earn the most money in the time frame, accumulate the most resources, claim the most land by excavation.
Players claim land for their team when they excavate it, the cleared away land can be searched later for items and resources as well.
Trading between players and teams is possible, includes resources, items, code nuggets.
Game Map
Made of Tiles
Tiles contain GameObjects, which can be GameElements, GameItems
Only one players can occupy a square at a time
A square can have multiple objects
GameElements, such as iron, are individual packets or a unit of a resource. So a square can have multiple element units and of different types.