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Xpanxion Persistent Multiplayer Office Game
Game Parameters
First Iteration
The Concept
- To utilize the office television monitors for a team building collaborative persistent multiplayer game.
- Game will encourage teamwork, and getting to know other people in the office.
- Users can log in sporadically and make progress in the game, and when they are away the game continues automatically.
- Monitors display global game state, show the entire game map.
- Teamwork and teams are encouraged but people may be on their own teams.
The Tech
- Game hosted on a server
- Players interact with game through a website
- Game state also displayed on a website? Can be displayed on monitors
- Java (prototype at least), C#? Unity?
The Game Mechanics
- Resource gathering/mining bots that can be programmed
- Visible limited map, finite resources on the map
- Goals can change. Get the most resources, refine the most substance, produce the most product
- Robot character
- Progression
- start off manually mining
- get mining machine, and ability to program it
- manually deliver mined stuff
- program character to deliver automatically
- get delivery machines ... etc.
- greater complexity added as you progress