Design.MultipleShaderPrograms - lidavidm/jsglet GitHub Wiki


  • Render some objects as particles, other textured, etc.

Needs and Considerations

  • Switching programs is an expensive operation - try to draw all objects from a particular program at once

  • Much code is tightly coupled to the program

    • They need metadata from the shaders, such as attribute locations

      • In this case: establish a consistent scheme for attribute location numbering

          vertex = 0
          color = 1
          texture = 2
          normal = 3


  • CompositeProgram

    • Manages a collection of Programs
    • Provides consistent access to needed metadata
    • Should eliminate need to manipulate OpenGL program object directly
  • MultiBufferObjects live in a certain ProgramDomain which contains the program-specific info (perhaps just make this part of the Program object)

    • Can switch domains/programs if needed