Fluctuation Endpoint - lico/jFixer GitHub Wiki
Getting the variations of exchange rates between two dates
The following returns the variations of the base currency compared to CHF in May 2018:
FixerApiLoader fixerApiLoader = (baseUrl, accessKey, baseCurrency);
List<ExchangeRate> rates = fixerApiLoader.getFluctuations("2018-05-01", "2018-05-31", "CHF");
- startDate can be a LocalDate or a string object (in format yyyy-MM-dd in this later case)
- endDate can be a LocalDate or a string object (in format yyyy-MM-dd in this later case)
- symbols a string or list of 3-digits supported currencies symbols
A FixerException is thrown in case the dates are invalid or startDate is after endDate.
The result is a Fluctuation object, which provides the following methods:
- getStartDate() , getEndDate() : the start and end dates
- getBaseCurrency(), getTargetCurrency() : the base and target currencies
- getStartRate(), getEndRate() : the rates at the beginning and end of the period
- getChange(), getChangePct() : the variation in value and in percentage of the rate during the period