7Cav Website - libertybell95/googleApps GitHub Wiki

The purpose of this page is to explain the general layout of the 7Cav website and to provide clarity on some terms used in scripts designed to run on the website that I have designed.

All items within carats are designed to be replaced by the user with the appropriate response. For example ''<lastName>'' should be deleted and replaced with ''Smith".

Organization of Forums

At the parent level of the website is the is the primary forum (https://7cav.us/forums/). Contained within this webpage is sub-forums that can contain other forums and/or posts. Each forum has an unique forum ID that can be used to call it via a URL. To find the ID look at the URL for the forum.

For example we have the Troop Promotions forum URL:


The /forums/ piece of the URL indicate that is a forum. Following this is the name of the forum formatted to be URL friendly text. After that is a period followed by a number. That is the forum ID. If you wish to simplify a URL you can enter:

https://7cav.us/forums/<Forum ID>/

For example:

https://7cav.us/forums/33/ is the same as https://7cav.us/forums/troop-promotions.33/\.

The term thread refers to a site that is contained within a forum. For example each item contained within the Position Announcements forum would be called a thread. Each thread contains a unique ID that can be used in a URL. You can find the ID for the thread in the same spot that you would find the ID for a forum. The only difference when calling the URL is what you would enter after 7cav.us . See template below:

https://7cav.us/threads/<Thread ID>/

Each item contained in the thread is called a post. Unfortunately there is not a straightforward way to link a post contained within a URL.

Though less often used, your messages/conversations have a unique ID for each of them also. The unique id for the conversation can be found the same way that you would find the unique ID for a forum. See template below for guidance:

https://7cav.us/conversations/<Convo ID>/

One thing to be aware of is if making scripts that use a shortened URL. The website will redirect you to the webpage that you requested. So be sure to allow redirects if using Google's URL Fetch Service

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