### Methods for the class of random-effects structures.
### Copyright 1997-2003 Jose C. Pinheiro,
### Douglas M. Bates <bates@stat.wisc.edu>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
# http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/
##*## Generics that should be implemented for any reStruct class
###*# Constructor
reStruct <-
function(object, pdClass = "pdLogChol", REML = FALSE, data = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
## object can be:
## 1) a named list of formulas or pdMats with grouping factors as names
## (assume same order of nesting as order of names)
## 2) a formula of the form ~ x | g or ~ x | g1/g2/../gn
## 3) a list of formulas like ~x | g
## 4) a formula like ~x, a pdMat object, or a list of such
## formulas or objects . In this case, the data used to
## initialize the reStruct will be required to inherit from class
## "groupedData"
## 5) another reStruct object
## parametrization specifies the pdMat constructor to be used for all
## formulas used in object
if (inherits(object, "reStruct")) { # little to do, return object
if (!missing(REML)) attr(object, "settings")[1] <- as.integer(REML)
object[] <- lapply(object,
function(el, data) {
pdMat(el, data = data)
}, data = data)
plen <- NULL
if (inherits(object, "formula")) { # given as a formula
if (is.null(grpForm <- getGroupsFormula(object, asList = TRUE))) {
object <- list( object )
} else {
if (length(object) == 3) { # nlme type of formula
object <-
eval(parse(text = paste(deparse(getResponseFormula(object)[2](/lian0090/Learnlmer/wiki/2)),
deparse(getCovariateFormula(object)[2](/lian0090/Learnlmer/wiki/2), width.cutoff=500),
sep = "~")))
} else {
object <- getCovariateFormula(object)
object <- rep( list(object), length( grpForm ) )
names( object ) <- names( grpForm )
} else if (inherits(object, "pdMat")) { # single group, as pdMat
if (is.null(formula(object))) {
stop("\"pdMat\" element must have a formula")
object <- list(object)
} else {
if (data.class(object) != "list") {
stop("'object' must be a list or a formula")
## checking if nlme-type list - unnamed list of 2-sided formulas
if (is.null(names(object)) &&
all(unlist(lapply(object, function(el) {
inherits(el, "formula") && length(el) == 3})))) {
object <- list(object)
} else {
## checking if elements are valid
object <- lapply(object,
function(el) {
if (inherits(el, "pdMat")) {
if (is.null(formula(el))) {
stop("\"pdMat\" elements must have a formula")
if (inherits(el, "formula")) {
grpForm <- getGroupsFormula(el)
if (!is.null(grpForm)) {
el <- getCovariateFormula(el)
attr(el, "grpName") <- deparse(grpForm[2](/lian0090/Learnlmer/wiki/2))
} else {
if (data.class(el) == "list" &&
all(unlist(lapply(el, function(el1) {
inherits(el1, "formula") && length(el1) == 3
})))) { return(el) }
else {
stop("elements in 'object' must be formulas or \"pdMat\" objects")
if (is.null(namObj <- names(object))) {
namObj <- rep("", length(object))
aux <- unlist(lapply(object,
function(el) {
if (inherits(el, "formula") &&
!is.null(attr(el, "grpName"))) {
attr(el, "grpName")
} else ""
auxNam <- namObj == ""
if (any(auxNam)) {
namObj[auxNam] <- aux[auxNam]
names(object) <- namObj
## converting elements in object to pdMat objects
object <- lapply(object,
function(el, pdClass, data) {
# if (data.class(el) == "pdSymm")
# warning("class pdSymm may cause problems if using analytic gradients")
pdMat(el, pdClass = pdClass, data = data)
}, pdClass = pdClass, data = data)
object <- rev(object) # inner to outer groups
if (all(unlist(lapply(object, isInitialized)))) {
plen <- unlist(lapply(object, function(el) length(coef(el))))
pC <- unlist(lapply(object, data.class))
pC <- match(pC, c("pdSymm", "pdDiag", "pdIdent", "pdCompSymm",
"pdLogChol"), 0) - 1
# if (any(pC == -1)) { # multiple nesting
# pC <- -1
# }
## at this point, always require asDelta = TRUE and gradHess = 0
attr(object, "settings") <- c(as.integer(REML), 1, 0, pC)
attr(object, "plen") <- plen
class(object) <- "reStruct"
###*# Methods for pdMat generics
corMatrix.reStruct <-
function(object, ...)
if (!isInitialized(object)) {
stop("cannot access the matrix of uninitialized objects")
as.list(rev(lapply(object, corMatrix)))
pdFactor.reStruct <-
unlist(lapply(object, pdFactor))
pdMatrix.reStruct <-
function(object, factor = FALSE)
if (!isInitialized(object)) {
stop("cannot access the matrix of uninitialized objects")
as.list(rev(lapply(object, pdMatrix, factor)))
###*# Methods for standard generics
as.matrix.reStruct <-
function(x, ...) pdMatrix(x)
coef.reStruct <-
function(object, unconstrained = TRUE, ...)
unlist(lapply(object, coef, unconstrained))
"coef<-.reStruct" <-
function(object, ..., value)
if (is.null(plen <- attr(object, "plen"))) {
stop("cannot change the parameter when ength of parameters is undefined")
if (length(value) != sum(plen)) {
stop("cannot change parameter length of initialized objects")
ends <- cumsum(plen)
starts <- 1 + c(0, ends[-length(ends)])
for (i in seq_along(object)) {
coef(object[i](/lian0090/Learnlmer/wiki/i)) <- value[(starts[i]):(ends[i])]
formula.reStruct <-
function(x, asList = FALSE, ...)
as.list(lapply(x, formula, asList))
getGroupsFormula.reStruct <-
function(object, asList = FALSE, sep)
if (is.null(val <- rev(formula(object)))) {
stop("cannot extract groups formula without a formula")
if (is.null(nVal <- names(val))) return(NULL)
if (asList) {
for(i in nVal) {
val[i](/lian0090/Learnlmer/wiki/i) <- eval(parse(text = paste("~",i)))
} else {
val <- eval(parse(text = paste("~",paste(nVal, collapse = "/"))))
isInitialized.reStruct <-
function(object) all(unlist(lapply(object, isInitialized)))
Initialize.reStruct <-
function(object, data, conLin, control = list(niterEM = 20), ...)
## initialize reStruct object, possibly getting initial estimates
seqO <- seq_along(object)
## check if names are defined
lNams <- unlist(lapply(object, function(el) length(Names(el)))) == 0
if (any(lNams)) { # need to resolve formula names
aux <- seqO[lNams]
object[aux] <- lapply(object[aux],
function(el, data) {
pdConstruct(el, el, data = data)
}, data = data)
## obtaining the parameters mapping
plen <- unlist(lapply(object, function(el)
if (isInitialized(el)) {
} else {
matrix(el) <- diag(length(Names(el)))
if (!all(plen > 0)) {
stop("all elements of a \"reStruct\" object must have a non-zero size")
attr(object, "plen") <- plen
## checking initialization
isIni <- unlist(lapply(object, isInitialized))
if (!all(isIni)) { # needs initialization
dims <- conLin$dims
Q <- dims$Q
qvec <- dims$qvec[1:Q]
auxInit <-
lapply(split(0.375^2 * apply((conLin$Xy[, 1:sum(qvec), drop = FALSE])^2,
2, sum)/ rep(dims$ngrps[1:Q], qvec), rep(1:Q, qvec)),
function(x) diag(x, length(x)))
for(i in seqO) {
if (isIni[i]) {
object[i](/lian0090/Learnlmer/wiki/i) <- solve(object[i](/lian0090/Learnlmer/wiki/i)) #working with precisions
} else {
matrix(object[i](/lian0090/Learnlmer/wiki/i)) <- auxInit[i](/lian0090/Learnlmer/wiki/i)
MEEM(object, conLin, control$niterEM) # refine initial estimates with EM
logDet.reStruct <-
function(object, ...)
unlist(lapply(object, logDet))
logLik.reStruct <-
function(object, conLin, ...)
if(any(!is.finite(conLin$Xy))) return(-Inf)
as.integer(attr(object, "settings")),
loglik = double(1),
"matrix<-.reStruct" <-
function(object, value)
if (data.class(value) != "list") value <- list(value)
if (length(value) != length(object)) {
stop("cannot change the length of 'object'")
value <- rev(value) # same order as object
for(i in seq_along(object)) {
matrix(object[i](/lian0090/Learnlmer/wiki/i)) <- value[i](/lian0090/Learnlmer/wiki/i)
model.matrix.reStruct <-
function(object, data, contrast = NULL, ...)
if (is.null(form <- formula(object, asList = TRUE))) {
stop("cannot extract model matrix without formula")
form1 <- asOneFormula(form)
if (length(form1) > 0) {
data <- model.frame(form1, data = data)
} else {
data <- data.frame("(Intercept)" = rep(1, nrow(data)))
any2list <- function( object, data, contrast ) {
form2list <- function(form, data, contrast) {
if (length(asOneFormula( form )) == 0) {# the ~ 1 case
return(list("(Intercept)" = rep(1, dim(data)[1])))
model.frame(form, data),
if (inherits( object, "formula" )) {
return( form2list( object, data, contrast ) )
if (is.list( object ) ) {
return( unlist(lapply(object, form2list, data = data, contrast = contrast),
recursive = FALSE ) )
return( NULL)
value <- as.list(lapply(form, any2list,
data = data, contrast = contrast))
## save the contrasts currently in effect for later predictions
contr <- as.list(lapply( as.data.frame(data), function(x)
if( inherits( x, "factor" ) &&
length(levels(x)) > 1) contrasts(x) else NULL ))
contr[names(contrast)] <- contrast
ncols <- as.vector(unlist(lapply(value, length)))
nams <- if (length(value) == 1) {
} else {
paste(rep(names(value), ncols), unlist(lapply(value, names)), sep = ".")
val <- matrix(unlist(value), nrow = nrow(data),
dimnames = list(row.names(data), nams))
attr(val, "ncols") <- ncols
attr(val, "nams") <- as.list(lapply(value, names))
attr(val, "contr") <- contr
Names.reStruct <-
function(object, ...)
as.list(lapply(object, Names))
"Names<-.reStruct" <-
function(object, ..., value)
if (length(object) != length(value)) {
stop("incompatible lengths for object names")
for(i in seq_along(object)) {
Names(object[i](/lian0090/Learnlmer/wiki/i)) <- value[i](/lian0090/Learnlmer/wiki/i)
needUpdate.reStruct <-
function(object) FALSE
print.reStruct <-
function(x, sigma = 1, reEstimates, verbose = FALSE, ...)
ox <- x
if (isInitialized(x)) {
nobj <- length(x)
if (is.null(namx <- names(x))) names(x) <- nobj:1
aux <- t(array(rep(names(x), nobj), c(nobj, nobj)))
aux[lower.tri(aux)] <- ""
x[] <- rev(x)
names(x) <-
rev(apply(aux, 1, function(x) paste(x[x != ""], collapse = " %in% ")))
cat("Random effects:\n")
for(i in seq_along(x)) {
print(summary(x[i](/lian0090/Learnlmer/wiki/i)), sigma, Level = names(x)[i],
resid = (i == length(x)), ...)
if (verbose) {
cat("Random effects estimates:\n")
} else {
cat("Uninitialized random effects structure\n")
recalc.reStruct <-
function(object, conLin, ...)
conLin["logLik"](/lian0090/Learnlmer/wiki/"logLik") <- conLin["logLik"](/lian0090/Learnlmer/wiki/"logLik") + logLik(object, conLin)
solve.reStruct <-
function(a, b, ...)
a[] <- lapply(a, solve)
summary.reStruct <- function(object, ...) object
update.reStruct <-
function(object, data, ...)
"[.reStruct" <-
function(x, ...)
val <- NextMethod()
if (length(val)) class(val) <- "reStruct"
### Local variables:
### mode: S
### End: