The Logger... - liammcmanu/Tagged GitHub Wiki

The logger.ts file contains the implementation of the LogService and Namespace classes, which are used for logging messages with optional variables.

LogService Class

The LogService class has the following properties:

  • file: Represents the filename for logging.
  • emoji: Represents the emoji associated with the log.
class LogService {
	private file: string;
	private emoji: string;

	constructor(input: keyof typeof LoggingConfig.files) {
		// Constructor implementation

	log(type: LogType, msg: string, variable?: string): void {
		// Log method implementation


The constructor of the LogService class takes an input parameter of type keyof typeof LoggingConfig.files. This parameter is used to access the logging configuration's emoji and filename.

log Method

The log method logs a message with an optional variable. It takes the following parameters:

  • type: Represents the type of the log (e.g., ERROR, SUCCESS, INFO, WARNING).
  • msg: Represents the message to be logged.
  • variable (optional): Represents an optional variable to be logged.

Namespace Class

The Namespace class is used to create a logging namespace. It has the following property:

  • namespace: Represents the namespace for the log.
class Namespace {
	private namespace: string;

	constructor(namespace: string) {
		// Constructor implementation

	log(type: LogType, msg: string, variable?: string): void {
		// Log method implementation


The constructor of the Namespace class takes a namespace parameter of type string. This parameter is used to set the namespace for the log.

log Method

The log method in the Namespace class logs a message with an optional variable. It takes the same parameters as the log method in the LogService class.

The Logger...

The loggingConfig.ts file is imported in the logger.ts file and contains the logging configuration. It exports an object that defines the logging files, their associated emojis, and other configuration options.

To use the logger.ts file and the logging configuration, follow these steps:

  1. Import the LogService, LogType, and Namespace from the logger.ts file.
  2. Create an instance of the LogService or Namespace class, providing the necessary parameters.
  3. Use the log method of the created instance to log messages with optional variables.

To create new logging areas, you can:

  • Add new entries to the LoggingConfig.files object in the loggingConfig.ts file, specifying the filename and emoji.
  • Create new instances of the LogService or Namespace class with the appropriate parameters.

Remember to configure the logging options in the LoggingConfig.content property to control which parts of the log are included.

Please refer to the code and comments in the logger.ts and loggingConfig.ts files for more details on their usage and customization.