Week 1 and 2 - liamb8/sec440 GitHub Wiki
Project #1
What I've Done:
Setup Xubuntu-Wan, Vyos1, Web01, and Xubuntu-lan routing through vyos and internet. Successfully installed and setup 2 factor authentication on web01.
Setup Vrrp on both vyos1 and vyos2 and changed Xubuntu-wan, Xubuntu-lan, and Web01 dns addresses and gateways.
Fixed port forwarding as Xubuntu-wan was unable to reach the WAN interface which stopped it from showing Web01 web page. Fixed the vrrp priority on vyos1 langroup11 as the priority was set to the default 100 and was conflicting with vyos2 langroup11 which was also at the default 100 priority.
Tribulations/Lessons Learned:
Throughout the process of setting everything up it was a major refresher for me since last working with vyos in SEC-350. After getting into the swing of things again and starting to remember the commands the process of setting everything up became much faster. The videos that were posted were really helpful in setting things up and served as a great example. I learned throughout this project that nothing goes as planned. Only September 11th nothing with port forwarding was working because the WAN interface was unreachable. I reviewed all the configuration and couldn't find the problem until the next day. The problem was caused by vyos1 langroup11 not having a higher priority than the vyos2 langroup11. It was at the default priority of 100 and so because both groups had the same priority they were both conflicting with each other. After changing the priority to 200 on vyos1 everything got fixed besides being unable to reach the vyos2 WAN interface. As to why I couldn't reach the vyos2 WAN interface is still unknown I reviewed the configuration and compared it with vyos1 which is working and couldn't find the problem.