Installing Kali - liabilityissue/Net-150 GitHub Wiki

This is a pre-lab we did for our class computer. These are the steps we took to install kali on our virtual machines.

Install Kali VM

Setup VMWare Workstation

Start VMWare Workstation Pro

We don’t have admin access to the lab computers, so click Skip this Version.

Click Create a New Virtual Machine

Select typical

Browse to X:\ISOs\F22\sec250 and select kali-linux-2022.3-installer-amd64.iso

Select Linux

Set the Virtual machine name to your username.kali. For me, that would be dginter.kali

Specify a maximum disk size of 20.0 GB (default) and split virtual disk into multiple files (default)

Choose to customize the hardware

Change the Network Adapter from NAT to Bridged and click close

Verify Network Adapter is Bridged and click Finish

Install Kali

Click Power on this virtual machine.

Select Graphical install

Select English (language)

Select United States (location )

Select American English (keyboard)

Wait for installation setup. Give your system a hostname of username.kali

Provide a Full name

Provide a username

Provide a reasonably good password and enter it into your password manager.

Set timezone to Eastern

Use Guided - use entire disk

Partition disks: use selected.

Select All files in one partition

Finish Partitioning and write changes to disk.

Select Yes to write the partition to the virtual disk.

Wait for installation

Select software. I use the defaults

Select yes to install grub

Click the device (/dev/sda) as the location for the boot loader

Click Continue to reboot and then in the yellow box select I finished installing

Test Wireshark

Click the “start” icon in the upper left corner and type wire next to the magnifying glass.

Click on wireshark

Clict on eth0 under Capture

Click on the blue shark fin under File.

Take a snip of wireshark scanning the network for submission.