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image from Mert Şimşek: New Android Injector with Dagger 2 — part 2
Injecting Activity objects | commit
-public class DemoApplication extends Application {
+public class DemoApplication extends DaggerApplication {
+ @Override
+ protected AndroidInjector<? extends DaggerApplication> applicationInjector() {
+ AppComponent appComponent = DaggerAppComponent.builder().application(this).build();
+ appComponent.inject(this);
+ return appComponent;
+ }
+ * Android apps have one application class. That is why we have one application component.
+ * This component is responsible for providing application scope instances (eg. OkHttp, Database, SharedPrefs.).
+ * This Component is root of our dagger graph. Application component is providing 3 module in our app:
+ *
+ * - {@link AndroidInjectionModule} We didn't create this. It is an internal class in Dagger 2.10.
+ * Provides our activities and fragments with given module,
+ * to ensure that all bindings necessary for these base types are available.
+ *
+ * - {@link ActivityBuilder} We created this module and map all our activities here.
+ *
+ * - {@link AppModule} We created this module to provide retrofit, persistence db, shared pref etc here.
+ */
+@Component(modules = {
+ AndroidSupportInjectionModule.class,
+ AppModule.class,
+ ActivityBuilder.class,
+public interface AppComponent extends AndroidInjector<DaggerApplication> {
+ void inject(DemoApplication app);
+ @Override
+ void inject(DaggerApplication instance);
+ @Component.Builder
+ interface Builder {
+ @BindsInstance
+ Builder application(Application application);
+ AppComponent build();
+ }
+ * We provide retrofit, OKHttp, persistence db, shared pref etc here.
+ * There is an important detail here. We have to add our sub-components to AppModule.
+ * So our dagger graph will understand that.
+ */
+public class AppModule {
+ @Provides
+ @Singleton
+ Context provideContext(Application application) {
+ return application;
+ }
+ * This is a given module to dagger.
+ * We map ALL our activities here, then Dagger knows our activities in compile time.
+ */
+public abstract class ActivityBuilder {
+ @ContributesAndroidInjector(modules = ArticleDetailActivityModule.class)
+ abstract ArticleDetailActivity bindArticleDetailActivity();
+ * This module provides the activity related instances.
+ */
+public class ArticleDetailActivityModule {
+ @Provides
+ ArticleDetailViewModel provideArticleDetailViewModel(ArticleDetailActivity activity, ArticleDetailViewModelFactory factory) {
+ return ViewModelProviders.of(activity, factory).get(ArticleDetailViewModel.class);
+ }
-public class ArticleDetailActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
+public class ArticleDetailActivity extends DaggerAppCompatActivity {
- private ArticleDetailViewModel mViewModel;
+ // error: Dagger does not support injection into private fields
+ @Inject
+ ArticleDetailViewModel mViewModel;
- ArticleDetailViewModelFactory factory = InjectorUtils.provideArticleDetailViewModelFactory(this);
- mViewModel = ViewModelProviders.of(this, factory).get(ArticleDetailViewModel.class);
mViewModel.getArticle(mArticleId).observe(this, article -> {
Injecting Fragment objects | commit
its host Activity extends
; -
it extends
; -
to annotate fields of this fragment that REQUIRE dependency, then delete relates code that create the fields instance; -
to annotate constructors that PROVIDE dependency, or -
Create a
annotated class, and within this class use an@Provides
annotated method to provide a dependency. -
to install module to dagger graph, because the fragment must be hosted by one activity, that means the activity should also be added to dagger graph:This annotation must be applied to an abstract method in a {@link dagger.Module} that returns a concrete Android framework type (e.g. Activity, Fragment, Service, etc). The method should have no parameters.
/** * ArticleListFragment is hosted by ArticleListActivity, so we need to * install the fragment's module to this activity. */ @ContributesAndroidInjector(modules = { ArticleListActivityHostedFragment.class }) abstract ArticleListActivity bindArticleListActivity(); /** * The reason to create this class is that this activity maybe host many fragments. */ @Module abstract class ArticleListActivityHostedFragment { @ContributesAndroidInjector(modules = ArticleListFragmentModule.class) abstract ArticleListFragment bindArticleListFragment(); // another fragment ... }
- Interfaces can’t be constructed.
- Third-party classes can’t be annotated.
- Configurable objects must be configured!
Add @Inject to constructor to provide dependency, instead of defining an unnecessary @Provides annotation | commit
Because @Inject
-annotated constructor works here !
public class ArticleListFragmentModule {
ArticleListFragmentViewModel provideArticleListFragmentViewModel(ArticleListFragment fragment, ArticleListViewModelFactory factory) {
return ViewModelProviders.of(fragment, factory).get(ArticleListFragmentViewModel.class);
- @Provides
- ArticleListViewModelFactory provideArticleListViewModelFactory(Context context, DemoRepository repository) {
- return new ArticleListViewModelFactory(repository);
- }
public class ArticleListViewModelFactory extends ViewModelProvider.NewInstanceFactory {
private final DemoRepository mRepository;
+ @Inject
public ArticleListViewModelFactory(DemoRepository repository) {
mRepository = repository;
public class ArticleListViewModelFactory extends ViewModelProvider.NewInstanceFactory {
- private final DemoRepository mRepository;
+ @Inject
+ DemoRepository mRepository;
- public ArticleListViewModelFactory(DemoRepository repository) {
- mRepository = repository;
+ public ArticleListViewModelFactory() {
This is another good code snippet to show the advantage of dagger. With dagger, we can simplify the constructor to a default one without any parameters. The fields which need to be initialized in constructor, just @Inject
it. If we need to provide a singleton instance, just @Singleton
it, instead of using a static
filed to hold the instance.
One of three types of dependency injection, WIKI- Constructor injection: This method requires the client to provide a parameter in a constructor for the dependency.
A class contains constructors that are invoked to create objects from the class blueprint. Java Doc - Providing Constructors for Your Classes
public class DemoRepository {
- private static final Object LOCK = new Object();
- private static DemoRepository sInstance;
- private final ArticleDao mArticleDao;
- private final DemoWebService mDemoWebService;
- private final AppExecutors mExecutors;
- private final Context mContext;
+ @Inject
+ ArticleDao mArticleDao;
+ @Inject
+ DemoWebService mDemoWebService;
+ @Inject
+ AppExecutors mExecutors;
+ @Inject
+ Context mContext;
private RateLimiter<String> repoListRateLimit = new RateLimiter<>(2, TimeUnit.MINUTES);
- public DemoRepository(
- Context context, ArticleDao articleDao, DemoWebService demoWebService, AppExecutors executors) {
- mContext = context;
- mArticleDao = articleDao;
- mDemoWebService = demoWebService;
- mExecutors = executors;
- }
- public synchronized static DemoRepository getInstance(
- Context context, ArticleDao articleDao, DemoWebService demoWebService, AppExecutors executors) {
- Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Getting the repository");
- if (sInstance == null) {
- synchronized (LOCK) {
- if (sInstance == null) {
- sInstance = new DemoRepository(context, articleDao, demoWebService, executors);
- Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Made new repository");
- }
- }
- }
- return sInstance;
+ @Inject
+ public DemoRepository(){
Provide dependency for Configurable objects must be configured! | commit
But sometimes the object need to be configured, for example, it needs exactly integer instead of another instance:
public class DemoRepository {
- private RateLimiter<String> repoListRateLimit = new RateLimiter<>(2, TimeUnit.MINUTES);
+ @Inject
+ RateLimiter<String> repoListRateLimit;
public class AppModule {
+ @Provides
+ RateLimiter<String> provideRateLimiter() {
+ return new RateLimiter<>(2, TimeUnit.MINUTES);
+ }
Consider Dependency Inject whenever you want to use keyword new
| commit
cannot be provided without an @Inject constructor or from an @Provides-annotated method.
New Android Injector with Dagger 2 — part 1, part 2, part 3
In part1, to attach activities/fragments to dagger graph, it create a lot boilerplate classes and needs a lot repetitive tasks, so is too complicated, so just walk through part1.
In part2, use
to simplify dagger graph, check this commit for detailsIn part3, use
to reduce boilerplate in your Activity/Fragment/Application, useAndroidInjector<T>
in your dagger components to reduce boilerplate too. -
Github/codepath Wiki page: Dependency Injection with Dagger 2
JANISHAR ALI: Introduction to Dagger 2, Using Dependency Injection in Android: Part 2
Eugene Matsyuk: Dagger 2. Part I. Basic principles, graph dependencies, scopes.