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A Tiger Compiler

What is Tiger?

Written by Andrew W.Appel, the author of Tiger Book, the Tiger language is a small language with nested functions, records values with implicit pointers, array, integer and string variables, and a few simple structured control constructs.

For more details, see the Tiger Language Reference Manual page of this wiki.


The intention of this project is to write a compiler as a matter of interest. To solidate my own knowledge of both C and C++, i decide to use C to write the front end of this compiler and use C++ to finish the back end.


This compiler project simply works through steps in tiger book, so there are mainly 11 steps:

  1. Lexical Analysis
  2. Parsing
  3. Abstract Syntax
  4. Semantic Analysis
  5. Activation Records
  6. Translation to Intermediate Code
  7. Basic Blocks and Traces
  8. Instruction Selection
  9. Liveness Analysis
  10. Register Allocation
  11. Putting It All Together

Folder Categories

  • Compiler : The real project folder, every file in this folder is sorted into different categories.
  • Chapter xxx : Each folder named with convention corresponding to one chapter in tiger book.
  • doc : The documentation folder.
  • testcases : Folders containing source files written in tiger language, which is intended for tests.
  • tests or xxx_Test : Folders containing unit tests.
  • bin : Folders containing object files and executables.
  • coverage : Folders containing code coverage reports.
  • example : Folders containing examples.

Project Needed

  • Lex, a computer program that generates lexical analyzers.
  • Yacc, a LALR parser generator.
  • CUnit, a unit test framework for C.
  • LCOV, a graphical front-end for GCC's coverage testing tool gcov.
  • GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection.
  • Doxygen, a documentation generator.
  • GNU make, a tool which controls the generation of executables and other non-source files of a program from the program's source files.

Project Guide

If any, yun can use following guide to do some tasks:

  • To make, type make in a terminal under the right directory.
  • To run, type make run in a terminal under the right directory.
  • To clean, type make clean in a terminal under the right directory.
  • To show coverage, type make show-coverage in a terminal under the right directory.
  • To retest, type make retest in a terminal under the right directory.

Project Status

Done with first nine steps, currently in Liveness Analysis.