ValueError: filedescriptor out of range in select() - lfbear/ansible-api GitHub Wiki
ValueError: filedescriptor out of range in select()
This is a boresome question if you have hundreds of machines, the reason is python's select module. Though is's high-level, so small size for web.
Refer to, I add a script to solve it.
How to use
- Install ansible-api normally
- Find the script in ansible libpath: plugins/connection/
- Add code below:
from ansible.plugins.connection.multipoller import MultiPooler # import a new pooler
# find this line and comment it
# rfd, wfd, efd =, [], [], timeout)
# add codes for solving: filedescriptor out of range in select()
poller = MultiPooler.get()
for rpipe in rpipes:
rfd, wfd = poller.poll(timeout)