HTTP API Usage - lfbear/ansible-api GitHub Wiki
Shell mode
request uri: /command
data type: json string
method: post
post json data struct:
- n: {string} task name (after version 0.1.2, exclude 0.1.2)
- m: {string} command / script
- a: {string} your shell command / your script path
- t: {string} host you wanna to run at, ex: all / /,
- s: {string} sign string for this request = md5(n+m+t+key) (key can be defined at sign_key)
- r: {bool} exec shell/script as root (optional, default:False, abandon after 0.3.0)
- c: {int} the number of concurrence (optional, default value is 50, abandon after 0.3.0)
- i: {bool} immediately get response, IT'S asynchronous mode (optional, default:False, abandon after 0.3.0)
post data sample:
- shell mode: {"n":"task#id@project","m":"command","a":"df -h","t":"","s":"1aa8c17520df23f0479423ff830316acf"}
- script mode: {"n":"task#id@project","m":"script","a":"/home/myname/","t":"all","s":"1aa8c17520df23f0479423ff830316acf","r":"True","c":50}
Playbook mode
- request uri: /playbook
- data type: json string
- method: post
- post json data struct:
- n: {string} playbook name (will cover the name in yml file. after version 0.1.2, exclude 0.1.2)
- h: {string} host you wanna to run at, ex: all / /,
- f: {string} playbook file name (*.yml)
- s: {string} sign string for this request = md5(n+h+f+key) (key can be defined at sign_key)
- v_*: {string} custom vars in playbook, "v_" is fixed prefix and * is custom var's name
- c: {int} the number of concurrence (optional, default value is 50, abandon after 0.3.0)
- i: {bool} immediately get response, IT'S asynchronous mode (optional, default:False, abandon after 0.3.0)
- post data sample: {"n":"play#id@project","h":"all","f":"/home/myname/myplaybook.yml","s":"1aa8c17520df23f0479423ff830316acf","c":50}
About name (n) upon
name's format likes this: intro#id@project, keep this format, you can receive a struct info from webscoket.